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со всех языков на все языки

Language and mind

  • 1 Language

       Philosophy is written in that great book, the universe, which is always open, right before our eyes. But one cannot understand this book without first learning to understand the language and to know the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and the characters are triangles, circles, and other figures. Without these, one cannot understand a single word of it, and just wanders in a dark labyrinth. (Galileo, 1990, p. 232)
       It never happens that it [a nonhuman animal] arranges its speech in various ways in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest type of man can do. (Descartes, 1970a, p. 116)
       It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same. (Descartes, 1967, p. 116)
       Human beings do not live in the object world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection. The fact of the matter is that the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built on the language habits of the group.... We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation. (Sapir, 1921, p. 75)
       It powerfully conditions all our thinking about social problems and processes.... No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached. (Sapir, 1985, p. 162)
       [A list of language games, not meant to be exhaustive:]
       Giving orders, and obeying them- Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements- Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)Reporting an eventSpeculating about an eventForming and testing a hypothesisPresenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagramsMaking up a story; and reading itPlay actingSinging catchesGuessing riddlesMaking a joke; and telling it
       Solving a problem in practical arithmeticTranslating from one language into another
       LANGUAGE Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, and praying-. (Wittgenstein, 1953, Pt. I, No. 23, pp. 11 e-12 e)
       We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages.... The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 153, 213-214)
       We dissect nature along the lines laid down by our native languages.
       The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds-and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.... We are thus introduced to a new principle of relativity, which holds that all observers are not led by the same physical evidence to the same picture of the universe, unless their linguistic backgrounds are similar or can in some way be calibrated. (Whorf, 1956, pp. 213-214)
       9) The Forms of a Person's Thoughts Are Controlled by Unperceived Patterns of His Own Language
       The forms of a person's thoughts are controlled by inexorable laws of pattern of which he is unconscious. These patterns are the unperceived intricate systematizations of his own language-shown readily enough by a candid comparison and contrast with other languages, especially those of a different linguistic family. (Whorf, 1956, p. 252)
       It has come to be commonly held that many utterances which look like statements are either not intended at all, or only intended in part, to record or impart straightforward information about the facts.... Many traditional philosophical perplexities have arisen through a mistake-the mistake of taking as straightforward statements of fact utterances which are either (in interesting non-grammatical ways) nonsensical or else intended as something quite different. (Austin, 1962, pp. 2-3)
       In general, one might define a complex of semantic components connected by logical constants as a concept. The dictionary of a language is then a system of concepts in which a phonological form and certain syntactic and morphological characteristics are assigned to each concept. This system of concepts is structured by several types of relations. It is supplemented, furthermore, by redundancy or implicational rules..., representing general properties of the whole system of concepts.... At least a relevant part of these general rules is not bound to particular languages, but represents presumably universal structures of natural languages. They are not learned, but are rather a part of the human ability to acquire an arbitrary natural language. (Bierwisch, 1970, pp. 171-172)
       In studying the evolution of mind, we cannot guess to what extent there are physically possible alternatives to, say, transformational generative grammar, for an organism meeting certain other physical conditions characteristic of humans. Conceivably, there are none-or very few-in which case talk about evolution of the language capacity is beside the point. (Chomsky, 1972, p. 98)
       [It is] truth value rather than syntactic well-formedness that chiefly governs explicit verbal reinforcement by parents-which renders mildly paradoxical the fact that the usual product of such a training schedule is an adult whose speech is highly grammatical but not notably truthful. (R. O. Brown, 1973, p. 330)
       he conceptual base is responsible for formally representing the concepts underlying an utterance.... A given word in a language may or may not have one or more concepts underlying it.... On the sentential level, the utterances of a given language are encoded within a syntactic structure of that language. The basic construction of the sentential level is the sentence.
       The next highest level... is the conceptual level. We call the basic construction of this level the conceptualization. A conceptualization consists of concepts and certain relations among those concepts. We can consider that both levels exist at the same point in time and that for any unit on one level, some corresponding realizate exists on the other level. This realizate may be null or extremely complex.... Conceptualizations may relate to other conceptualizations by nesting or other specified relationships. (Schank, 1973, pp. 191-192)
       The mathematics of multi-dimensional interactive spaces and lattices, the projection of "computer behavior" on to possible models of cerebral functions, the theoretical and mechanical investigation of artificial intelligence, are producing a stream of sophisticated, often suggestive ideas.
       But it is, I believe, fair to say that nothing put forward until now in either theoretic design or mechanical mimicry comes even remotely in reach of the most rudimentary linguistic realities. (Steiner, 1975, p. 284)
       The step from the simple tool to the master tool, a tool to make tools (what we would now call a machine tool), seems to me indeed to parallel the final step to human language, which I call reconstitution. It expresses in a practical and social context the same understanding of hierarchy, and shows the same analysis by function as a basis for synthesis. (Bronowski, 1977, pp. 127-128)
        t is the language donn eґ in which we conduct our lives.... We have no other. And the danger is that formal linguistic models, in their loosely argued analogy with the axiomatic structure of the mathematical sciences, may block perception.... It is quite conceivable that, in language, continuous induction from simple, elemental units to more complex, realistic forms is not justified. The extent and formal "undecidability" of context-and every linguistic particle above the level of the phoneme is context-bound-may make it impossible, except in the most abstract, meta-linguistic sense, to pass from "pro-verbs," "kernals," or "deep deep structures" to actual speech. (Steiner, 1975, pp. 111-113)
       A higher-level formal language is an abstract machine. (Weizenbaum, 1976, p. 113)
       Jakobson sees metaphor and metonymy as the characteristic modes of binarily opposed polarities which between them underpin the two-fold process of selection and combination by which linguistic signs are formed.... Thus messages are constructed, as Saussure said, by a combination of a "horizontal" movement, which combines words together, and a "vertical" movement, which selects the particular words from the available inventory or "inner storehouse" of the language. The combinative (or syntagmatic) process manifests itself in contiguity (one word being placed next to another) and its mode is metonymic. The selective (or associative) process manifests itself in similarity (one word or concept being "like" another) and its mode is metaphoric. The "opposition" of metaphor and metonymy therefore may be said to represent in effect the essence of the total opposition between the synchronic mode of language (its immediate, coexistent, "vertical" relationships) and its diachronic mode (its sequential, successive, lineal progressive relationships). (Hawkes, 1977, pp. 77-78)
       It is striking that the layered structure that man has given to language constantly reappears in his analyses of nature. (Bronowski, 1977, p. 121)
       First, [an ideal intertheoretic reduction] provides us with a set of rules"correspondence rules" or "bridge laws," as the standard vernacular has it-which effect a mapping of the terms of the old theory (T o) onto a subset of the expressions of the new or reducing theory (T n). These rules guide the application of those selected expressions of T n in the following way: we are free to make singular applications of their correspondencerule doppelgangers in T o....
       Second, and equally important, a successful reduction ideally has the outcome that, under the term mapping effected by the correspondence rules, the central principles of T o (those of semantic and systematic importance) are mapped onto general sentences of T n that are theorems of Tn. (P. Churchland, 1979, p. 81)
       If non-linguistic factors must be included in grammar: beliefs, attitudes, etc. [this would] amount to a rejection of the initial idealization of language as an object of study. A priori such a move cannot be ruled out, but it must be empirically motivated. If it proves to be correct, I would conclude that language is a chaos that is not worth studying.... Note that the question is not whether beliefs or attitudes, and so on, play a role in linguistic behavior and linguistic judgments... [but rather] whether distinct cognitive structures can be identified, which interact in the real use of language and linguistic judgments, the grammatical system being one of these. (Chomsky, 1979, pp. 140, 152-153)
        23) Language Is Inevitably Influenced by Specific Contexts of Human Interaction
       Language cannot be studied in isolation from the investigation of "rationality." It cannot afford to neglect our everyday assumptions concerning the total behavior of a reasonable person.... An integrational linguistics must recognize that human beings inhabit a communicational space which is not neatly compartmentalized into language and nonlanguage.... It renounces in advance the possibility of setting up systems of forms and meanings which will "account for" a central core of linguistic behavior irrespective of the situation and communicational purposes involved. (Harris, 1981, p. 165)
       By innate [linguistic knowledge], Chomsky simply means "genetically programmed." He does not literally think that children are born with language in their heads ready to be spoken. He merely claims that a "blueprint is there, which is brought into use when the child reaches a certain point in her general development. With the help of this blueprint, she analyzes the language she hears around her more readily than she would if she were totally unprepared for the strange gabbling sounds which emerge from human mouths. (Aitchison, 1987, p. 31)
       Looking at ourselves from the computer viewpoint, we cannot avoid seeing that natural language is our most important "programming language." This means that a vast portion of our knowledge and activity is, for us, best communicated and understood in our natural language.... One could say that natural language was our first great original artifact and, since, as we increasingly realize, languages are machines, so natural language, with our brains to run it, was our primal invention of the universal computer. One could say this except for the sneaking suspicion that language isn't something we invented but something we became, not something we constructed but something in which we created, and recreated, ourselves. (Leiber, 1991, p. 8)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Language

  • 2 ånd

    * * *
    (en -er)
    ( sind, mods legeme; også: stor personlighed) mind ( fx body and mind; the triumph of mind over matter; he was one of the greatest minds of his time); spirit ( fx the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak);
    ( overnaturligt væsen) spirit, genie ( fx the Spirit (el. Genie) of the Lamp (, of the Ring));
    ( spøgelse) ghost ( fx Hamlet's father's ghost), spirit;
    ( tænkemåde) spirit ( fx the spirit of the 18th century);
    ( åndelig kraft, indre princip) genius ( fx men of genius; the genius of the language);
    (i hær etc) morale;
    ( tone, retning) spirit ( fx we accept the spirit as well as the letter of the treaty), drift ( fx the drift of what he said),
    F tenor;
    [ når ånden kommer over ham] when the spirit moves him;
    [ opgive ånden] give up the ghost;
    [ åndens verden] the spiritual world;
    [ med adj:]
    [ beslægtede ånder] kindred souls (el. spirits), congenial spirits;
    [ de dødes ånder] the spirits of the dead;
    [ hans gode (, onde) ånd] his good (, evil) genius;
    [ en ond ånd] an evil spirit;
    ( indianernes gud) the Great Spirit;
    (spøg.: tjener etc) menial,
    ( troldmands) familiar;
    [ med i:]
    [ i ånden] in spirit;
    [ forstå noget i den ånd det er skrevet] understand something in the spirit in which it was written;
    [ optage det i den rette ånd] take it in the right spirit;
    [ganske i X.s ånd] quite in the spirit of X.;
    [ i ånd og sandhed] in spirit and in truth;
    [ jeg ser ham i ånden] I see him in my mind's eye.

    Danish-English dictionary > ånd

  • 3 mind

    mind [maɪnd]
    1. noun
    1. noun
       a. ( = brain) esprit m
    at the back of my mind I had the feeling that... je sentais confusément que...
    what's on your mind? qu'est-ce qui vous préoccupe ?
       b. ( = opinion) to my mind à mon avis
       c. ( = inclination) envie f
    nothing is further from my mind! (bien) loin de moi cette pensée !
    in + mind
    it's all in the mind tout ça, c'est dans la tête (inf)
    to bear sth in mind ( = take account of) tenir compte de qch ; ( = remember) ne pas oublier qch
    have you (got) anything particular in mind? avez-vous quelque chose de particulier en tête ?
    to be/go out of one's mind with worry être/devenir fou d'inquiétude
    you must be out of your mind! tu es complètement fou !
       a. ( = pay attention to) faire attention à ; ( = beware of) prendre garde à ; (US = listen to) écouter
    mind you don't fall! prenez garde de ne pas tomber !
    mind the step! attention à la marche !
    mind your language! surveille ton langage !
    cigarette? -- I don't mind if I do une cigarette ? -- ce n'est pas de refus ! (inf)
    would you mind + gerund
    would you mind opening the door? cela vous ennuierait d'ouvrir la porte ?
       c. ( = look after) [+ children, animals] garder ; [+ shop] tenir
    ( = object) do you mind if I take this book? -- I don't mind at all ça ne vous ennuie pas que je prenne ce livre ? -- mais non, je vous en prie
    never mind ( = don't worry) ne t'en fais pas ! ; ( = it makes no odds) ça ne fait rien !
    he can't walk, never mind run (inf) il ne peut pas marcher, encore moins courir
    mind you, it won't be easy cela dit, ce ne sera pas facile
    mind you, he could be right peut-être qu'il a raison après tout
    mind-altering adjective [drug, substance] psychotrope
    adjective [drug] hallucinogène ; [experience, news] hallucinant
    I'm not a mind reader! (inf)
    * * *
    [maɪnd] 1.
    1) (centre of thought, feelings) esprit m

    that's a load ou weight off my mind — ça me soulage beaucoup

    2) ( brain) intelligence f
    3) ( way of thinking) esprit m
    4) ( opinion) avis m

    to make up one's mind about/to do — se décider à propos de/à faire

    5) ( attention) esprit m

    to concentrate ou keep one's mind on something — se concentrer sur

    to give ou put one's mind to something — accorder son attention à quelque chose

    6) ( memory) esprit m

    it went right ou clean ou completely out of my mind — cela m'est complètement sorti de la tête

    7) ( sanity) raison f

    are you out of your mind? — (colloq) tu es fou/folle? (colloq)

    8) ( person as intellectual) esprit m
    in mind adverbial phrase

    with this in mind,... — avec cette idée en tête,...

    to put somebody in mind of somebody/something — rappeler quelqu'un/quelque chose à quelqu'un

    1) ( pay attention to) faire attention à [hazard]; surveiller [manners, language]

    don't mind megen ne faites pas attention à moi; iron ne vous gênez pas!

    mind how you goGB faites bien attention à vous

    it's a secret, mind — (colloq) c'est un secret, n'oublie pas

    mind you (colloq), it won't be easy — remarque, ce ne sera pas facile

    2) ( object to)

    I don't mind cats, but I prefer dogs — je n'ai rien contre les chats, mais je préfère les chiens

    ‘today or tomorrow?’ - ‘I don't mind’ — ‘aujourd'hui ou demain?’ - ‘ça m'est égal’

    if you don't mind my asking... — si ce n'est pas une question indiscrète...

    ‘like a cigarette?’ - ‘don't mind if I do’ — (colloq) ‘une cigarette?’ - ‘c'est pas de refus’ (colloq)

    3) ( care) se soucier de

    do you mind!iron non mais!

    never mind — ( don't worry) ne t'en fais pas; ( it doesn't matter) peu importe

    he can't afford an apartment, never mind a big house — il ne peut pas se permettre un appartement encore moins une grande maison

    4) ( look after) s'occuper de [animal, children]; tenir [shop]
    Phrasal Verbs:

    I gave him a piece of my mind! — (colloq) je lui ai dit ma façon de penser!

    to have a good mind ou half a mind to do — GB avoir bien envie de faire

    English-French dictionary > mind

  • 4 mind

    mind [maɪnd]
    1 noun
    (a) (reason) esprit m;
    the power of mind over matter le pouvoir de l'esprit sur la matière;
    to be strong in mind and body être physiquement et mentalement solide;
    to be of sound mind être sain d'esprit;
    to be/to go out of one's mind être/devenir fou(folle);
    are you out of your mind?, you must be out of your mind! est-ce que tu as perdu la tête?;
    he was out of his mind with worry il était fou d'inquiétude;
    he isn't in his right mind il n'a pas tous ses esprits;
    no one in their right mind would do such a thing aucune personne sensée n'agirait ainsi;
    to be bored out of one's mind mourir d'ennui
    such a thought had never entered his mind une telle pensée ne lui était jamais venue à l'esprit;
    there's something on her mind il y a quelque chose qui la tracasse;
    I have a lot on my mind j'ai beaucoup de soucis;
    what's going on in her mind? qu'est-ce qui se passe dans son esprit ou sa tête?;
    at the back of one's mind au fond de soi-même;
    at the back of my mind was the fear that we would arrive too late au fond de moi-même, je craignais que nous n'arrivions trop tard;
    to put sth to the back of one's mind chasser qch de son esprit;
    I just can't get him out of my mind je n'arrive absolument pas à l'oublier;
    to have sb/sth in mind penser à qn/qch de précis;
    the person I have in mind la personne à laquelle je pense;
    who do you have in mind for the role? à qui songez-vous pour le rôle?, qui avez-vous en vue pour le rôle?;
    what kind of holiday did you have in mind? qu'est-ce que tu voulais ou voudrais faire pour les vacances?;
    I had something smaller in mind je pensais à quelque chose de plus petit;
    you must put the idea out of your mind tu dois te sortir cette idée de la tête;
    put it out of your mind n'y pensez plus;
    to set one's mind on doing sth se mettre en tête de faire qch;
    to have one's mind set on sth vouloir qch à tout prix;
    a drink will take your mind off the accident bois un verre, ça te fera oublier l'accident;
    to put or set sb's mind at rest rassurer qn;
    to see things in one's mind's eye bien se représenter qch;
    it's all in your mind! tu te fais des idées!;
    it's all in the mind tout ça, c'est dans la tête
    to give one's whole mind to sth accorder toute son attention à qch;
    I can't seem to apply my mind to the problem je n'arrive pas à me concentrer sur le problème;
    I'm sure if you put your mind to it you could do it je suis sûr que si tu essayais vraiment, tu pourrais le faire;
    keep your mind on the job ne vous laissez pas distraire;
    your mind is not on the job tu n'as pas la tête à ce que tu fais;
    she does crosswords to keep her mind occupied elle fait des mots croisés pour s'occuper l'esprit;
    American don't pay him any mind ne fais pas attention à lui
    my mind has gone blank j'ai un trou de mémoire;
    it brings to mind the time we were in Spain cela me rappelle l'époque où nous étions en Espagne;
    Churchill's words come to mind on pense aux paroles de Churchill;
    it went clean or right out of my mind cela m'est complètement sorti de l'esprit ou de la tête;
    to put sb in mind of sb/sth rappeler qn/qch à qn;
    it puts me in mind of Japan cela me fait penser au Japon, cela me rappelle le Japon;
    to bear or keep sth in mind (think about) songer à qch; (take into account) tenir compte de qch; (not forget) ne pas oublier qch, garder qch à l'esprit;
    we must bear in mind that she is only a child il ne faut pas oublier que ce n'est qu'une enfant;
    it must have slipped my mind j'ai dû oublier;
    familiar to have a mind like a sieve avoir (une) très mauvaise mémoire ;
    British time out of mind I've warned him not to go there cela fait une éternité que je lui dis de ne pas y aller
    (e) (intellect) esprit m;
    she has an outstanding mind elle est d'une très grande intelligence;
    he has the mind of a child il a l'esprit d'un enfant
    (f) (intelligent person, thinker) esprit m, cerveau m;
    the great minds of our century les grands esprits ou cerveaux de notre siècle;
    proverb great minds think alike(, fools seldom differ) les grands esprits se rencontrent;
    humorous how about a drink? - great minds think alike! si on prenait une verre? - les grands esprits se rencontrent!
    the Western mind la pensée occidentale;
    I haven't got a scientific mind je n'ai pas l'esprit scientifique;
    you've got a dirty mind! tu as l'esprit mal placé!;
    she has a nasty mind elle voit le mal partout;
    he has a suspicious mind il est soupçonneux de nature;
    it's probably just my suspicious mind but I don't trust him c'est probablement que je suis trop suspicieux ou soupçonneux, mais je n'ai pas confiance en lui
    to be of the same or of like or of one mind être du même avis;
    they're all of one or the same mind ils sont tous d'accord ou du même avis;
    to know one's own mind savoir ce qu'on veut;
    you've got a mind of your own tu peux décider toi-même;
    the car seemed to have a mind of its own la voiture semblait faire ce que bon lui semblait;
    to my mind,… à mon avis,…, selon moi,…;
    I'm in two minds about where to go for my holidays je ne sais pas très bien où aller passer mes vacances;
    I'm in two minds about going je ne sais pas si je vais y aller;
    to make up one's mind se décider, prendre une décision;
    make up your mind! décidez-vous!;
    I can't make up your mind for you je ne peux pas décider à ta place;
    my mind is made up ma décision est prise;
    to make up one's mind to do sth se décider à faire qch;
    she's made up her mind to move house elle s'est résolue à déménager
    I've half a mind to give up j'ai presque envie de renoncer;
    I've a good mind to tell him what I think j'ai bien envie de lui dire ce que je pense
    nothing was further from my mind je n'en avais nullement l'intention;
    I've had it in mind for some time now j'y songe depuis un moment
    (a) (pay attention to) faire attention à;
    he didn't mind my advice il n'a pas fait attention à ou n'a pas écouté mes conseils;
    mind your own business! occupe-toi de ce qui te regarde!, mêle-toi de tes oignons!;
    mind your language! surveille ton langage!;
    to mind one's manners se surveiller;
    mind the step (sign) attention à la marche;
    mind the cat! attention au chat!;
    mind what you say (pay attention) réfléchissez à ou faites attention à ce que vous dites; (don't be rude) mesurez vos paroles;
    mind what you're doing! regarde ce que tu fais!;
    would you mind where you're putting your feet, please? est-ce que tu peux faire attention où tu mets les pieds, s'il te plaît?;
    British familiar mind how you go! fais attention à toi!
    (b) (be sure that) faire attention à;
    mind you write to him! n'oubliez pas de lui écrire!;
    mind you don't fall! faites attention de ne pas tomber!;
    mind you don't forget n'oubliez surtout pas;
    mind you don't break it fais bien attention de ne pas le casser;
    mind you're not late! faites en sorte de ne pas être en retard!;
    mind you post my letter n'oubliez surtout pas de poster ma lettre
    (c) (concern oneself with) faire attention à, s'inquiéter de ou pour;
    don't mind me, I'll just sit here quietly ne vous inquiétez pas de moi, je vais m'asseoir ici et je ne dérangerai personne;
    don't mind him, he's always like that ne fais pas attention à lui, il est toujours comme ça;
    ironic don't mind me, I only live here! je t'en prie, fais comme chez toi!;
    I really don't mind what he says/thinks je me fiche de ce qu'il peut dire/penser
    I don't mind him il ne me dérange pas;
    I don't mind the cold le froid ne me gêne pas;
    I don't mind trying je veux bien essayer;
    you don't mind me using the car, do you? - I mind very much cela ne te dérange pas que je prenne la voiture? - cela me dérange beaucoup;
    do you mind going out when the weather's cold? est-ce que cela vous ennuie de sortir quand il fait froid?;
    do you mind me smoking? cela ne vous ennuie ou dérange pas que je fume?;
    did you mind me inviting her? tu aurais peut-être préféré que je ne l'invite pas?, ça t'ennuie que je l'aie invitée?;
    would you mind turning out the light, please? est-ce que tu peux éteindre la lumière, s'il te plaît?;
    how much do you earn, if you don't mind my or me asking? combien est-ce que vous gagnez, sans indiscrétion?;
    I wouldn't mind having his salary ça ne me dérangerait pas de gagner autant que lui;
    I wouldn't mind a cup of tea je prendrais bien ou volontiers une tasse de thé
    (e) (look after → children) garder; (→ bags, possessions) garder, surveiller; (→ shop, business) garder, tenir; (→ plants, garden) s'occuper de, prendre soin de;
    can you mind the house for us while we're away? (watch) pouvez-vous surveiller la maison pendant notre absence?; (look after) pouvez-vous vous occuper de la maison pendant notre absence?
    (f) Scottish (remember) se rappeler, se souvenir de
    mind (you), I'm not surprised remarque ou tu sais, cela ne m'étonne pas;
    mind you, he's a bit young ceci dit, il est un peu jeune;
    mind you, I've always thought he was a bit strange remarquez, j'ai toujours trouvé qu'il était un peu bizarre;
    but, mind you, it was late mais, voyez-vous, il était tard;
    never mind that now (leave it) ne vous occupez pas de cela tout de suite; (forget it) ce n'est plus la peine de s'en occuper;
    never mind the consequences ne vous préoccupez pas des conséquences, peu importent les conséquences;
    never mind what people say/think peu importe ce que disent/pensent les gens;
    never mind his feelings, I've got a business to run! je me moque de ses états d'âme, j'ai une entreprise à diriger!;
    never mind him, just run for it! ne t'occupe pas de lui, fonce!
    (a) (object → in requests)
    do you mind if I open the window? cela vous dérange si j'ouvre la fenêtre?;
    would you mind if I opened the window? est-ce que cela vous dérangerait si j'ouvrais la fenêtre?;
    do you mind if I smoke? est-ce que cela vous gêne ou dérange que je fume?;
    I don't mind in the least cela ne me dérange pas le moins du monde;
    if you don't mind si vous voulez bien, si vous n'y voyez pas d'inconvénient;
    I can't say I really mind je ne peux pas dire que cela m'ennuie ou me dérange vraiment;
    do you mind if I take the car? - of course I don't mind est-ce que cela vous ennuie que je prenne la voiture? - bien sûr que non;
    familiar I don't mind if I do (in reply to offer) je ne dis pas non, ce n'est pas de refus
    (b) (care, worry)
    I don't mind if people laugh at me - but you should mind! je ne me soucie guère que les gens se moquent de moi - mais vous devriez!;
    if you don't mind, I haven't finished si cela ne vous fait rien, je n'ai pas terminé;
    do you mind? (politely) vous permettez?;
    ironic do you mind! (indignantly) non mais!;
    never mind (it doesn't matter) cela ne fait rien, tant pis; (don't worry) ne vous en faites pas;
    never you mind! (don't worry) ne vous en faites pas!; (mind your own business) ce n'est pas votre affaire!;
    never mind about the money now ne t'en fais pas pour l'argent, on verra plus tard
    (c) British (be careful) faire attention;
    mind when you cross the road fais attention en traversant la route;
    mind! attention!
    ►► mind reader voyant(e) m,f;
    he must be a mind reader il lit dans les pensées comme dans un livre;
    I'm not a mind reader je ne suis pas devin;
    Marketing mind share part f de notoriété
    British faire attention;
    mind out! attention!;
    mind out for the rocks! attention aux rochers!

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > mind

  • 5 mind

    1. noun

    bear or keep something in mind — an etwas (Akk.) denken; etwas nicht vergessen

    have in mind to do something — vorhaben, etwas zu tun

    bring something to mindetwas in Erinnerung rufen

    it went out of my mindich habe es vergessen; es ist mir entfallen

    put something/somebody out of one's mind — etwas/jemanden aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen

    2) (opinion)

    in or to my mind — meiner Meinung od. Ansicht nach

    be of one or of the same mind, be in one mind — einer Meinung sein

    be in two minds about something — [sich (Dat.)] unschlüssig über etwas (Akk.) sein

    change one's mindseine Meinung ändern

    I have a good mind/half a mind to do that — ich hätte große Lust/nicht übel Lust, das zu tun

    make up one's mind, make one's mind up — sich entscheiden

    make up one's mind to do something — sich entschließen, etwas zu tun

    3) (direction of thoughts)

    his mind is on other thingser ist mit den Gedanken woanders

    give or put or turn one's mind to — sich konzentrieren auf (+ Akk.) [Arbeit, Aufgabe, Angelegenheit]

    I have had somebody/something on my mind — jemand/etwas hat mich beschäftigt; (worried) ich habe mir Sorgen wegen jemandem/etwas gemacht

    something preys or weighs on somebody's mind — etwas macht jemandem zu schaffen

    close one's mind to somethingsich einer Sache (Dat.) verschließen (geh.)

    4) (way of thinking and feeling) Denkweise, die

    frame of mind — [seelische] Verfassung

    state of mind — [Geistes]zustand, der

    be in a frame of mind to do something — in der Verfassung sein, etwas zu tun

    5) (seat of consciousness, thought, volition) Geist, der

    in one's mindim stillen

    in my mind's eye — vor meinem geistigen Auge; im Geiste

    nothing could be further from my mind than... — nichts läge mir ferner, als...

    6) (intellectual powers) Verstand, der; Intellekt, der

    have a very good mindeinen klaren od. scharfen Verstand haben

    great minds think alike(joc.) große Geister denken [eben] gleich

    7) (normal mental faculties) Verstand, der

    lose or go out of one's mind — den Verstand verlieren

    2. transitive verb
    1) (heed)

    don't mind what he saysgib nichts auf sein Gerede

    let's do it, and never mind the expense — machen wir es doch, egal, was es kostet

    2) (concern oneself about)

    he minds a lot what people think of him — es ist für ihn sehr wichtig, was die Leute von ihm denken

    I can't afford a bicycle, never mind a car — ich kann mir kein Fahrrad leisten, geschweige denn ein Auto

    never mind him/that — (don't be anxious) er/das kann dir doch egal sein (ugs.)

    never mind how/where... — es tut nichts zur Sache, wie/wo...

    don't mind me — nimm keine Rücksicht auf mich; (don't let my presence disturb you) lass dich [durch mich] nicht stören; (iron.) nimm bloß keine Rücksicht auf mich

    mind the doors!Vorsicht an den Türen!

    3) usu. neg. or interrog. (object to)

    did he mind being woken up? — hat es ihm was ausgemacht, aufgeweckt zu werden?

    would you mind opening the door?würdest du bitte die Tür öffnen?

    do you mind my smoking?stört es Sie od. haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche?

    4) (remember and take care)

    mind you don't leave anything behind — denk daran, nichts liegen lassen!

    mind how you go!pass auf! sei vorsichtig!; (as general farewell) mach's gut! (ugs.)

    mind you get this work done — sieh zu, dass du mit dieser Arbeit fertig wirst!

    5) (have charge of) aufpassen auf (+ Akk.)

    mind the shop or (Amer.) the store — (fig.) sich um den Laden kümmern (ugs.)

    3. intransitive verb

    mind! — Vorsicht!; Achtung!

    2) usu. in imper. (take note)

    follow the signposts, mind, or... — denk daran und halte dich an die Wegweiser, sonst...

    I didn't know that, mind, or... — das habe ich allerdings nicht gewusst, sonst...

    3) (care, object)

    do you mind?(may I?) hätten Sie etwas dagegen?; (please do not) ich muss doch sehr bitten

    he doesn't mind about your using the car — er hat nichts dagegen, wenn Sie den Wagen benutzen

    4) (give heed)

    never [you] mind — (it's not important) macht nichts; ist nicht schlimm; (it's none of your business) sei nicht so neugierig

    never mind: I can do it — schon gut - das kann ich machen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/89159/mind_out">mind out
    * * *
    (the power by which one thinks etc; the intelligence or understanding: The child already has the mind of an adult.) der Verstand
    2. verb
    1) (to look after or supervise (eg a child): mind the baby.) aufpassen
    2) (to be upset by; to object to: You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work.) sich etwas machen aus
    3) (to be careful of: Mind (= be careful not to trip over) the step!) sich in Acht nehmen
    4) (to pay attention to or obey: You should mind your parents' words/advice.) beachten
    3. interjection
    (be careful!: Mind! There's a car coming!) Achtung!
    - -minded
    - mindful
    - mindless
    - mindlessly
    - mindlessness
    - mindreader
    - at/in the back of one's mind
    - change one's mind
    - be out of one's mind
    - do you mind! - have a good mind to
    - have half a mind to
    - have a mind to
    - in one's mind's eye
    - in one's right mind
    - keep one's mind on
    - know one's own mind
    - make up one's mind
    - mind one's own business
    - never mind
    - on one's mind
    - put someone in mind of
    - put in mind of
    - speak one's mind
    - take/keep one's mind off
    - to my mind
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (brain, intellect) Geist m, Verstand m
    she's one of the greatest \minds of today sie ist einer der größten Köpfe unserer Zeit
    it's a question of \mind over matter das ist eine reine Willensfrage
    he's got the \mind of a four-year-old! er hat den Verstand eines Vierjährigen!
    it was a triumph of \mind over matter hier war der Wille stärker
    in one's \mind eyes vor seinem geistigen Auge
    frame of \mind seelische Verfassung
    a fine \mind ein großer Geist
    to have a good \mind einen klaren Verstand haben
    to have a logical \mind logisch denken können
    to the Victorian \mind nach der viktorianischen Denkweise
    to use one's \mind seinen Verstand gebrauchen
    2. (sanity) Verstand m
    to be in one's right \mind noch ganz richtig im Kopf sein
    to be out of one's \mind den Verstand verloren haben
    to drive sb out of his/her \mind jdn wahnsinnig machen
    to lose [or go out of] one's \mind den Verstand verlieren
    3. (thoughts) Gedanken pl
    the idea never entered my \mind auf diesen Gedanken wäre ich gar nicht gekommen
    it went out of my \mind ich hab's vergessen
    you put that out of your \mind! das kannst du dir aus dem Kopf schlagen!
    I can't get that song out of my \mind das Lied will mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen!
    sorry, my \mind is on other things tut mir leid, ich bin mit den Gedanken ganz woanders
    to be on one's \mind einen beschäftigen
    you're always on my \mind ich denke die ganze Zeit an dich
    what's on your \mind? woran denkst du?
    what's on your \mind! woran du nur wieder denkst!
    to be in the back of sb's \mind in jds Hinterkopf sein
    to bear [or keep] sth in \mind etw nicht vergessen
    bearing in \mind that... angesichts der Tatsache, dass...
    to bring [or call] sth to \mind (remember) sich akk etw in Erinnerung rufen; (remind) an etw akk erinnern
    to come [or spring] to sb's \mind jdm einfallen
    to have sb/sth in \mind an jdn/etw denken
    did you have anything special in \mind? dachten Sie an etwas Bestimmtes?
    to have a lot of things on one's \mind viele Sorgen haben
    to keep one's \mind on sth one's work sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren
    sth puts sb in \mind of sth esp BRIT etw erinnert jdn an etw akk
    to put sb out of one's \mind jdn aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen
    to read sb's \mind jds Gedanken lesen
    to set one's \mind to do sth sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren
    to take sb's \mind off sth jdn auf andere Gedanken bringen [o von etw dat ablenken
    nothing could be further from my \mind than... nichts läge mir ferner als...
    to have in \mind to do sth vorhaben, etw zu tun
    to know one's [own] \mind wissen, was man will
    to make up one's \mind sich akk entscheiden
    my \mind is made up! ich habe einen Entschluss gefasst!
    to set one's \mind on sth sich dat etw in den Kopf setzen
    5. usu sing (opinion) Meinung f, Ansicht f
    to my \mind... meiner Meinung nach...
    to give sb a piece of one's \mind jdm seine Meinung sagen
    to be of the same \mind der gleichen Meinung [o derselben Ansicht] sein
    I'm of the same \mind as you ich bin deiner Meinung
    to be in [or of] two \minds about sth sich dat über etw akk nicht im Klaren sein
    to change one's \mind es sich dat anders überlegen
    to have a \mind of one's own seinen eigenen Kopf haben
    to have half a [good] \mind to... gute Lust haben,...
    to be of a \mind to do sth ( form) geneigt sein, etw zu tun
    to be bored out of one's \mind sich akk zu Tode langweilen
    great \minds think alike ah, ich sehe, wir verstehen uns!
    II. vt
    to \mind sth auf etw akk aufpassen
    \mind your head [or that you don't bang your head] pass auf, dass du dir nicht den Kopf stößt
    \mind your head Vorsicht mit dem Kopf!
    here, \mind, he said when she trod on his foot passen Sie doch auf, sagte er, als sie ihm auf den Fuß trat
    \mind the step! Vorsicht Stufe!
    \mind how you go pass doch auf!; (as farewell) pass auf dich auf!
    \mind your language! ( dated) pass auf, was du sagst!
    2. (care about)
    to \mind sb sich akk um jdn kümmern
    don't \mind me kümmer dich nicht um mich
    don't \mind what she says kümmer dich nicht darum, was sie sagt
    and never \mind the expense und vergiss jetzt einfach mal die Kosten
    never \mind themwhat about me? was kümmern mich die — was ist mit mir?
    never \mind her! vergiss sie doch einfach!
    never \mind how you got there... ist doch egal, wie du da hinkamst,...
    \mind your own business! kümmer dich um deine eigenen Angelegenheiten!
    I don't \mind the heat die Hitze macht mir nichts aus!
    I don't \mind what she does es ist mir egal, was sie macht!
    to \mind that... denk daran, dass...
    \mind you close the door when you leave vergiss nicht, die Tür zuzumachen, wenn du gehst
    \mind you get this done before she gets home sieh zu, dass du damit fertig wirst, bevor sie nach Hause kommt
    4. (look after)
    to \mind sb/sth auf jdn/etw aufpassen; ( fig)
    I'm \minding the shop ich kümmere mich hier um den Laden
    5. ( fam: object)
    to not \mind sth nichts gegen etw akk [einzuwenden] haben
    would you \mind holding this for me? würden Sie das [kurz] für mich halten?
    do you \mind my asking you a question? darf ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen?
    do you \mind calling me a taxi? würde es dir was ausmachen, mir ein Taxi zu rufen?
    do you \mind my smoking? stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?
    I don't \mind her ich habe nichts gegen sie
    I wouldn't \mind a new car/a cup of tea gegen ein neues Auto/eine Tasse Tee hätte ich nichts einzuwenden!
    to \mind one's p's and q's sich akk gut benehmen
    \mind you allerdings
    \mind you, I'd love to have a cup of tea! also, gegen eine Tasse Tee hätte ich jetzt nichts einzuwenden!
    \mind you, she did try immerhin hat sie es versucht!
    III. vi
    1. (care) sich dat etwas daraus machen
    I don't \mind das ist mir egal
    sometime I wish he \minded a little more manchmal wünsche ich mir, dass es ihm ein bisschen mehr ausmachen würde
    never \mind! [ist doch] egal!
    never \mind, I'll do it myself! vergiss es, ich mach's selbst!
    never \mind, one day... mach dir nichts draus — eines Tages...
    never \mind about that mistake vergiss den Fehler einfach!
    never \mind about that now vergiss das jetzt mal
    never \mind about herwhat about you? jetzt vergiss sie doch mal — was ist mit dir?
    never you \mind! jetzt kümmer dich mal nicht drum!
    2. (object) etwas dagegen haben
    do you \mind if I...? stört es Sie, wenn ich...?
    do you \mind! (don't!) ich muss doch sehr bitten!; (may I?) darf ich?
    nobody will \mind das wird niemanden stören
    if you don't \mind... wenn du nichts dagegen hast,...
    if you don't \mind me saying so,... ich hoffe, es macht dir nichts aus, dass ich dir das jetzt sage, aber...
    I don't \mind if I do ich hätte nichts dagegen
    never \mind... geschweige denn...
    * * *
    1. NOUN
    1) = intellect Geist m (ALSO PHILOS), Verstand m

    to have a good mind —

    it's all in the mind —

    in one's mind's eye — vor seinem geistigen Auge, im Geiste

    to blow sb's mind (inf)jdn umwerfen (inf); (drugs) jdn high machen (inf) boggle, great, improve

    a triumph of mind over matterein Triumph des Geistes or Willens über den Körper

    2) = way of thinking Denkweise f; (= type of mind) Geist m, Kopf m

    to the child's/Victorian mind — in der Denkweise des Kindes/der viktorianischen Zeit

    to have a literary/logical etc mind — literarisch/logisch etc veranlagt sein

    state or frame of mind — (seelische) Verfassung, (Geistes)zustand m

    3) = thoughts Gedanken pl

    to be clear in one's mind about sthsich (dat) über etw im Klaren sein

    she couldn't get or put the song/him out of her mind —

    his mind is set on thater hat sich (dat) das in den Kopf gesetzt

    4) = memory Gedächtnis nt

    to bring or call sth to mind — etw in Erinnerung rufen, an etw (acc) erinnern

    5) = inclination Lust f; (= intention) Sinn m, Absicht f

    I've half a mind/a good mind to... —

    to be of a mind to do sth — geneigt sein, etw zu tun (geh)

    6) = opinion Meinung f, Ansicht f

    to change one's mindseine Meinung ändern (about über +acc ), es sich (dat) anders überlegen

    to be in two minds about sthsich (dat) über etw (acc) nicht im Klaren sein

    I'm of the same mind as you — ich denke wie du, ich bin deiner Meinung

    with one mind —

    7) = sanity Verstand m, Sinne pl

    to lose one's mind — verrückt werden, den Verstand verlieren

    nobody in his right mind —


    set structures __diams; in mind to bear or keep sth in mind — etw nicht vergessen; facts also, application etw im Auge behalten

    to bear or keep sb in mind — an jdn denken; applicant also jdn im Auge behalten

    with this in mind... — mit diesem Gedanken im Hinterkopf...

    to have sb/sth in mind — an jdn/etw denken

    to have in mind to do sth — vorhaben or im Sinn haben, etw zu tun

    to have it in mind to do sthbeabsichtigen or sich (dat) vorgenommen haben, etw zu tun

    it puts me in mind of sb/sth — es weckt in mir Erinnerungen an jdn/etw

    to go out of one's mind — verrückt werden, den Verstand verlieren

    to go out of one's mind with worry/grief — vor Sorge/Trauer den Verstand verlieren

    to drive sb out of his mind — jdn um den Verstand bringen, jdn wahnsinnig machen

    1) = look after aufpassen auf (+acc); sb's chair, seat frei halten
    2) = be careful of aufpassen auf (+acc); (= pay attention to) achten auf (+acc); (= act in accordance with) beachten

    mind what you're doing! —

    mind what you're doing with that car mind what I say! (= do as I tell you) — pass mit dem Auto auf lass dir das gesagt sein hör auf das, was ich dir sage

    mind how you go — passen Sie auf, wo Sie hintreten

    mind your head! (Brit)Kopf einziehen (inf), Vorsicht, niedrige Tür/Decke etc

    mind your feet! (Brit) (when sitting) — zieh die Füße ein!; (when moving) pass auf, wo du hintrittst!

    3) = care about sich kümmern um; (= object to) etwas haben gegen

    she minds/doesn't mind it — es macht ihr etwas/nichts aus

    I don't mind what he does —

    I don't mind four but six is too many — ich habe nichts gegen vier, aber sechs sind zu viel

    would you mind opening the door? — wären Sie so freundlich, die Tür aufzumachen?

    do you mind my smoking? —

    I don't mind telling you, I was shocked — ich war schockiert, das kannst du mir glauben

    I hope you don't mind my asking you/sitting here — ich hoffe, Sie haben nichts dagegen, wenn ich Sie frage/dass ich hier sitze

    don't mind me — lass dich (durch mich) nicht stören; (iro) nimm auf mich keine Rücksicht

    never mind the expense — (es ist) egal, was es kostet

    never mind that now — das ist jetzt nicht wichtig, lass das doch jetzt

    never mind your back, I'm worried about... — dein Rücken ist mir doch egal, ich mache mir Sorgen um...

    1) = care, worry sich kümmern, sich (dat) etwas daraus machen; (= object) etwas dagegen haben

    he doesn't seem to mind about anything —

    I wish he minded a little — ich wünschte, es würde ihm etwas ausmachen or ihn ein bisschen kümmern

    nobody seemed to mind — es schien keinem etwas auszumachen, niemand schien etwas dagegen zu haben

    I'd prefer to stand, if you don't mind — ich würde lieber stehen, wenn es Ihnen recht ist

    do you mind if I open or would you mind if I opened the window? — macht es Ihnen etwas aus, wenn ich das Fenster öffne?

    I don't mind if I doich hätte nichts dagegen __diams; never mind macht nichts, ist doch egal; (in exasperation) ist ja auch egal, schon gut

    never mind, you'll find another — mach dir nichts draus, du findest bestimmt einen anderen

    oh, never mind, I'll do it myself — ach, lass (es) or schon gut, ich mache es selbst

    never mind about that now! —

    never mind about what you said to him, what did he say to you? — es ist doch egal or unwichtig, was du zu ihm gesagt hast, was hat er zu dir gesagt?

    I'm not going to finish school, never mind go to university — ich werde die Schule nicht beenden und schon gar nicht zur Universität gehen __diams; never you mind! kümmere du dich mal nicht darum

    2) = be sure aufpassen

    mind and see if... — sieh zu, ob...

    mind you get that done — sieh zu, dass du das fertig bekommst

    I'm not saying I'll do it, mind — ich will damit aber nicht sagen, dass ich es tue

    he's not a bad lad, mind, just... — er ist eigentlich kein schlechter Junge, nur...

    he didn't do it, mind — er hat es (ja) nicht getan __diams; mind you

    mind you, I'd rather not go — ich würde eigentlich or allerdings lieber nicht gehen

    it was raining at the time, mind you — allerdings hat es da geregnet

    mind you, he did try/ask — er hat es immerhin versucht/hat immerhin gefragt

    he's quite good, mind you — er ist eigentlich ganz gut

    * * *
    mind [maınd]
    A s
    1. Sinn m, Gemüt n, Herz n:
    his mind was on her all time er musste die ganze Zeit an sie denken;
    go through sb’s mind jemandem durch den Kopf gehen;
    have sth on one’s mind etwas auf dem Herzen haben;
    that might take his mind off his worries das lenkt ihn vielleicht von seinen Sorgen ab;
    his mind was not fully on the job er war nicht ganz bei der Sache; weight A 7
    2. Seele f, Verstand m, Geist m:
    before one’s mind’s eye vor seinem geistigen Auge;
    see sth in one’s mind’s eye etwas im Geiste vor sich sehen;
    be of sound mind, be in one’s right mind bei (vollem) Verstand sein;
    anybody in their right mind jeder halbwegs Normale;
    it is all in the mind das ist rein seelisch bedingt oder reine Einbildung (Krankheit etc);
    of sound mind and memory JUR im Vollbesitz seiner geistigen Kräfte;
    of unsound mind geistesgestört, unzurechnungsfähig;
    be out of one’s mind nicht (recht) bei Sinnen sein, verrückt sein;
    drive ( oder send) sb out of their mind jemanden verrückt machen;
    lose one’s mind den Verstand verlieren;
    close ( oder shut) one’s mind to sth sich gegen etwas verschließen;
    have an open mind unvoreingenommen sein;
    keep an open mind sich noch nicht festlegen;
    cast back one’s mind sich zurückversetzen (to nach, in akk);
    enter sb’s mind jemandem in den Sinn kommen;
    give ( oder put, set) one’s mind to sth sich mit einer Sache befassen, sich einer Sache widmen;
    pay no mind to nicht achten auf (akk);
    put sth out of one’s mind sich etwas aus dem Kopf schlagen;
    read sb’s mind jemandes Gedanken lesen;
    set one’s mind on sth sich etwas in den Kopf setzen;
    set one’s mind on doing sth es sich in den Kopf setzen, etwas zu tun;
    it has slipped (from) my mind es ist mir entfallen; blow1 C 7, presence 1
    3. Geist m ( auch PHIL):
    things of the mind geistige Dinge;
    his is a fine mind er hat einen feinen Verstand, er ist ein kluger Kopf;
    one of the greatest minds of his time fig einer der größten Geister seiner Zeit;
    the best minds in the country die klügsten Köpfe im Lande;
    (the triumph of) mind over matter der Sieg des Geistes über die Materie; history 1
    4. Meinung f, Ansicht f:
    in ( oder to) my mind
    a) meiner Ansicht nach, meines Erachtens,
    b) nach meinem Sinn oder Geschmack;
    be of sb’s mind jemandes Meinung sein;
    change one’s mind sich anders besinnen, es sich anders überlegen;
    change one’s mind about seine Meinung ändern über (akk);
    speak one’s mind (freely) seine Meinung frei äußern;
    give sb a piece ( oder bit) of one’s mind jemandem gründlich die Meinung sagen;
    know one’s (own) mind wissen, was man will;
    be in (US of) two minds about mit sich selbst nicht einig sein über (akk);
    there can be no two minds about it darüber kann es keine geteilte Meinung geben;
    be of one mind einer Meinung sein (about, on über akk);
    many men, many minds (Sprichwort) viele Köpfe, viele Sinne
    5. Neigung f, Lust f, Absicht f:
    have a good (half a) mind to do sth gute (nicht übel) Lust haben, etwas zu tun;
    have sth in mind etwas im Sinn haben;
    this is exactly what I had in mind das ist genau das, was mir vorschwebte oder was ich mir vorstellte;
    I have you in mind ich denke (dabei) an dich;
    have it in mind to do sth beabsichtigen, etwas zu tun;
    make up one’s mind
    a) sich entschließen, einen Entschluss fassen,
    b) zu dem Schluss oder zu der Überzeugung kommen ( that dass), sich klar werden ( about über akk);
    have you made up your mind yet? (im Restaurant) haben Sie schon gewählt?;
    I can’t make up your mind! du musst deine Entscheidung(en) schon selbst treffen!
    6. Erinnerung f, Gedächtnis n:
    bear ( oder keep) sth in mind (immer) an eine Sache denken, etwas nicht vergessen, etwas bedenken, etwas im Auge halten;
    a) etwas ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, an eine Sache erinnern,
    b) sich etwas ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen, sich an eine Sache erinnern;
    I can’t get it out of my mind ich muss ständig daran denken, es beschäftigt mich ständig;
    it went ( right, umg clean) out of his mind er hat es (ganz oder total) vergessen;
    put sb in mind of sth jemanden an etwas erinnern;
    nothing comes to mind nichts fällt einem (dabei) ein;
    from time out of mind seit undenklichen Zeiten; erase 3, wipe out 2
    B v/t
    1. beachten, achtgeben oder achten auf (akk):
    mind you write umg denk daran oder vergiss nicht zu schreiben
    2. achtgeben auf (akk), sich hüten vor (dat):
    mind your head! stoß dir den Kopf nicht an!; step A 1, A 7, A 9
    3. sorgen für, sehen nach:
    mind the fire nach dem Feuer sehen;
    mind the children sich um die Kinder kümmern, die Kinder hüten oder beaufsichtigen;
    mind your own business kümmere dich um deine eigenen Dinge!;
    never mind him kümmere dich nicht um ihn!;
    never you mind what … umg es geht dich gar nichts an, was …;
    don’t mind me lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht stören!
    4. etwas haben gegen, etwas nicht gern sehen oder mögen, sich stoßen an (dat):
    do you mind my smoking? haben Sie etwas dagegen oder stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?;
    would you mind coming? würden Sie so freundlich sein zu kommen?;
    she was, she didn’t mind admitting, very lonely sie war, wie sie unumwunden oder freimütig zugab, sehr einsam;
    I don’t mind it ich habe nichts dagegen, meinetwegen, von mir aus (gern);
    I would not mind a cup of coffee ich hätte nichts gegen eine Tasse Kaffee
    5. schott sich erinnern an (akk)
    C v/i
    1. aufpassen:
    a) wohlgemerkt,
    b) allerdings;
    he’s very nice, mind you, but … er ist eigentlich sehr nett, aber …;
    never mind lass es gut sein!, es hat nichts zu sagen!, macht nichts!, schon gut! ( C 2)
    2. etwas dagegen haben:
    I don’t mind ich habe nichts dagegen, meinetwegen, von mir aus (gern);
    I don’t mind if he goes meinetwegen kann er gehen;
    do you mind if I smoke? haben Sie etwas dagegen oder stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?;
    I don’t mind if I do umg
    a) ja, ganz gern oder ich möchte schon,
    b) ich bin so frei;
    nobody seemed to mind es schien niemandem etwas auszumachen;
    do you mind!
    a) ich muss doch sehr bitten!,
    b) passen Sie doch auf!;
    do you mind!, can’t you see I’m busy? sehen Sie (denn) nicht, dass ich beschäftigt bin?;
    he minds a great deal es macht ihm sehr viel aus, es stört ihn sehr;
    never mind mach dir nichts draus! ( C 1)
    3. mind out Br aufpassen ( for auf akk)
    * * *
    1. noun

    bear or keep something in mind — an etwas (Akk.) denken; etwas nicht vergessen

    have in mind to do something — vorhaben, etwas zu tun

    it went out of my mind — ich habe es vergessen; es ist mir entfallen

    put something/somebody out of one's mind — etwas/jemanden aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen

    in or to my mind — meiner Meinung od. Ansicht nach

    be of one or of the same mind, be in one mind — einer Meinung sein

    be in two minds about something — [sich (Dat.)] unschlüssig über etwas (Akk.) sein

    I have a good mind/half a mind to do that — ich hätte große Lust/nicht übel Lust, das zu tun

    make up one's mind, make one's mind up — sich entscheiden

    make up one's mind to do something — sich entschließen, etwas zu tun

    give or put or turn one's mind to — sich konzentrieren auf (+ Akk.) [Arbeit, Aufgabe, Angelegenheit]

    I have had somebody/something on my mind — jemand/etwas hat mich beschäftigt; (worried) ich habe mir Sorgen wegen jemandem/etwas gemacht

    something preys or weighs on somebody's mind — etwas macht jemandem zu schaffen

    close one's mind to somethingsich einer Sache (Dat.) verschließen (geh.)

    frame of mind — [seelische] Verfassung

    state of mind — [Geistes]zustand, der

    be in a frame of mind to do something — in der Verfassung sein, etwas zu tun

    5) (seat of consciousness, thought, volition) Geist, der

    in my mind's eye — vor meinem geistigen Auge; im Geiste

    nothing could be further from my mind than... — nichts läge mir ferner, als...

    6) (intellectual powers) Verstand, der; Intellekt, der

    have a very good mindeinen klaren od. scharfen Verstand haben

    great minds think alike(joc.) große Geister denken [eben] gleich

    7) (normal mental faculties) Verstand, der

    lose or go out of one's mind — den Verstand verlieren

    2. transitive verb

    let's do it, and never mind the expense — machen wir es doch, egal, was es kostet

    he minds a lot what people think of him — es ist für ihn sehr wichtig, was die Leute von ihm denken

    I can't afford a bicycle, never mind a car — ich kann mir kein Fahrrad leisten, geschweige denn ein Auto

    never mind him/that — (don't be anxious) er/das kann dir doch egal sein (ugs.)

    never mind how/where... — es tut nichts zur Sache, wie/wo...

    don't mind me — nimm keine Rücksicht auf mich; (don't let my presence disturb you) lass dich [durch mich] nicht stören; (iron.) nimm bloß keine Rücksicht auf mich

    3) usu. neg. or interrog. (object to)

    did he mind being woken up? — hat es ihm was ausgemacht, aufgeweckt zu werden?

    do you mind my smoking?stört es Sie od. haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche?

    mind you don't leave anything behind — denk daran, nichts liegen lassen!

    mind how you go! — pass auf! sei vorsichtig!; (as general farewell) mach's gut! (ugs.)

    mind you get this work done — sieh zu, dass du mit dieser Arbeit fertig wirst!

    5) (have charge of) aufpassen auf (+ Akk.)

    mind the shop or (Amer.) the store — (fig.) sich um den Laden kümmern (ugs.)

    3. intransitive verb

    mind! — Vorsicht!; Achtung!

    2) usu. in imper. (take note)

    follow the signposts, mind, or... — denk daran und halte dich an die Wegweiser, sonst...

    I didn't know that, mind, or... — das habe ich allerdings nicht gewusst, sonst...

    3) (care, object)

    do you mind?(may I?) hätten Sie etwas dagegen?; (please do not) ich muss doch sehr bitten

    he doesn't mind about your using the car — er hat nichts dagegen, wenn Sie den Wagen benutzen

    never [you] mind — (it's not important) macht nichts; ist nicht schlimm; (it's none of your business) sei nicht so neugierig

    never mind: I can do it — schon gut - das kann ich machen

    never mind about that now! — lass das jetzt mal [sein/liegen]!

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Absicht -en f.
    Ansicht -en f.
    Geist -er m.
    Gemüt -er n.
    Meinung -en f.
    Phantasie -n f.
    Sinn -e m.
    Verstand -¨e m. v.
    beachten v.

    English-german dictionary > mind

  • 6 Mind

       It becomes, therefore, no inconsiderable part of science... to know the different operations of the mind, to separate them from each other, to class them under their proper heads, and to correct all that seeming disorder in which they lie involved when made the object of reflection and inquiry.... It cannot be doubted that the mind is endowed with several powers and faculties, that these powers are distinct from one another, and that what is really distinct to the immediate perception may be distinguished by reflection and, consequently, that there is a truth and falsehood which lie not beyond the compass of human understanding. (Hume, 1955, p. 22)
       Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white Paper, void of all Characters, without any Ideas: How comes it to be furnished? Whence comes it by that vast store, which the busy and boundless Fancy of Man has painted on it, with an almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of Reason and Knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from Experience. (Locke, quoted in Herrnstein & Boring, 1965, p. 584)
       The kind of logic in mythical thought is as rigorous as that of modern science, and... the difference lies, not in the quality of the intellectual process, but in the nature of things to which it is applied.... Man has always been thinking equally well; the improvement lies, not in an alleged progress of man's mind, but in the discovery of new areas to which it may apply its unchanged and unchanging powers. (Leґvi-Strauss, 1963, p. 230)
       MIND. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. (Bierce, quoted in Minsky, 1986, p. 55)
       [Philosophy] understands the foundations of knowledge and it finds these foundations in a study of man-as-knower, of the "mental processes" or the "activity of representation" which make knowledge possible. To know is to represent accurately what is outside the mind, so to understand the possibility and nature of knowledge is to understand the way in which the mind is able to construct such representation.... We owe the notion of a "theory of knowledge" based on an understanding of "mental processes" to the seventeenth century, and especially to Locke. We owe the notion of "the mind" as a separate entity in which "processes" occur to the same period, and especially to Descartes. We owe the notion of philosophy as a tribunal of pure reason, upholding or denying the claims of the rest of culture, to the eighteenth century and especially to Kant, but this Kantian notion presupposed general assent to Lockean notions of mental processes and Cartesian notions of mental substance. (Rorty, 1979, pp. 3-4)
       Under pressure from the computer, the question of mind in relation to machine is becoming a central cultural preoccupation. It is becoming for us what sex was to Victorians-threat, obsession, taboo, and fascination. (Turkle, 1984, p. 313)
       7) Understanding the Mind Remains as Resistant to Neurological as to Cognitive Analyses
       Recent years have been exciting for researchers in the brain and cognitive sciences. Both fields have flourished, each spurred on by methodological and conceptual developments, and although understanding the mechanisms of mind is an objective shared by many workers in these areas, their theories and approaches to the problem are vastly different....
       Early experimental psychologists, such as Wundt and James, were as interested in and knowledgeable about the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system as about the young science of the mind. However, the experimental study of mental processes was short-lived, being eclipsed by the rise of behaviorism early in this century. It was not until the late 1950s that the signs of a new mentalism first appeared in scattered writings of linguists, philosophers, computer enthusiasts, and psychologists.
       In this new incarnation, the science of mind had a specific mission: to challenge and replace behaviorism. In the meantime, brain science had in many ways become allied with a behaviorist approach.... While behaviorism sought to reduce the mind to statements about bodily action, brain science seeks to explain the mind in terms of physiochemical events occurring in the nervous system. These approaches contrast with contemporary cognitive science, which tries to understand the mind as it is, without any reduction, a view sometimes described as functionalism.
       The cognitive revolution is now in place. Cognition is the subject of contemporary psychology. This was achieved with little or no talk of neurons, action potentials, and neurotransmitters. Similarly, neuroscience has risen to an esteemed position among the biological sciences without much talk of cognitive processes. Do the fields need each other?... [Y]es because the problem of understanding the mind, unlike the wouldbe problem solvers, respects no disciplinary boundaries. It remains as resistant to neurological as to cognitive analyses. (LeDoux & Hirst, 1986, pp. 1-2)
       Since the Second World War scientists from different disciplines have turned to the study of the human mind. Computer scientists have tried to emulate its capacity for visual perception. Linguists have struggled with the puzzle of how children acquire language. Ethologists have sought the innate roots of social behaviour. Neurophysiologists have begun to relate the function of nerve cells to complex perceptual and motor processes. Neurologists and neuropsychologists have used the pattern of competence and incompetence of their brain-damaged patients to elucidate the normal workings of the brain. Anthropologists have examined the conceptual structure of cultural practices to advance hypotheses about the basic principles of the mind. These days one meets engineers who work on speech perception, biologists who investigate the mental representation of spatial relations, and physicists who want to understand consciousness. And, of course, psychologists continue to study perception, memory, thought and action.
    ... [W]orkers in many disciplines have converged on a number of central problems and explanatory ideas. They have realized that no single approach is likely to unravel the workings of the mind: it will not give up its secrets to psychology alone; nor is any other isolated discipline-artificial intelligence, linguistics, anthropology, neurophysiology, philosophy-going to have any greater success. (Johnson-Laird, 1988, p. 7)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Mind

  • 7 mind

    1. сущ.
    1) а) разум;
    умственные способности;
    ум on one's mind ≈ в мыслях, на уме out of one's mindпомешанный, не в своем уме to be in one's right mind ≈ быть в здравом уме to bear, keep smth. in mind ≈ иметь что-л. в виду to cross one's mindприходить в голову to cultivate, develop one's mind ≈ развивать/совершенствовать свои способности to keep one's mind on smth. ≈ не переставая думать о чем-л. to live with one's own mind ≈ жить своим умом to put, set one's mind to smth. ≈ решить что-л. to set one's mind at easeуспокоиться to take one's mind off smth. ≈ перестать думать о чем-л. the great minds of the world ≈ великие умы человечества to lose one's mindпотерять голову, сойти с ума clear mind ≈ ясная голова closed mindограниченность disciplined mindдисциплинированный ум open mindоткрытый, восприимчивый ум scientific mindнаучный склад ума sound mindздравый ум Syn: head, intellect, intelligence, reason б) мышление, умственная деятельность
    2) а) память;
    воспоминание Keep that in mind. ≈ Сохрани это в памяти. to bring to mind, call to mindнапомнить to have in mind, bear in mind, keep in mind ≈ помнить, иметь в виду to be out of mind, go out of mind, pass out of mindвыскочить из памяти, быть забытым time out of mindс незапамятных времен within time of mind, time within mind of manв пределах человеческой памяти put smb. in mind Syn: recollection, remembrance, memory б) уст. церемония в память о чем-л.;
    поминание Syn: commemoration, memorial
    3) мнение, взгляд, точка зрения to be of one/a mind with smb., to be of smb.'s mind ≈ быть одного и того же мнения с кем-л. to be of the same mind ≈ быть единодушным, придерживаться одного мнения;
    оставаться при своем мнении to give smb. a piece of one's mind ≈ высказывать кому-л. свое мнение to have an open mind ≈ быть объективным, непредубежденным to read smb.'s mindчитать чужие мысли to speak one's mind, to tell (a person) one's mind, to let (a person) know one's mind ≈ высказать свою точку зрения, высказать все откровенно to my mindпо моему мнению Syn: opinion, view
    1., judgement
    4) желание, намерение, склонность (сделать что-л.) ;
    преим. во фразах: change one's mind make up one's mind make up one's mind to be in two minds be in twenty minds have half a mind have a good mind have a great mind know one's own mind Syn: intention, purpose
    1., desire
    5) настроение, расположение духа state of mind Syn: disposition
    1., mood I, inclination
    6) дух (душа) deep in one's mind ≈ (глубоко) в душе mind's eyeдуховное око, мысленный взгляд
    7) (Mind) церк. Бог ∙ many men, many minds, no two minds think alikeсколько голов, столько умов out of sight, out of mind посл. ≈ с глаз долой - из сердца вон
    2. гл.
    1) а) редк. напоминать Syn: remind б) арх. или диал. помнить Syn: remember
    2) заниматься, выполнять;
    присматривать за (кем/чем-л.) to mind the shopприсматривать за лавкой Please mind the fire. ≈ Пожалуйста, последите за камином. Mind your own business. ≈ Занимайся своим делом.
    3) а) следить, обращать внимание Mind your manners. ≈ Следите за своими манерами. б) слушаться( кого-л.), прислушиваться( к кому-л.) Mind your parends. ≈ Слушай своих родителей. Syn: obey
    4) а) беспокоиться, быть озабоченным, тревожиться Never mind your mistake. ≈ Не беспокойтесь об ошибке. б) возражать, иметь что-л. против( в вопр. или отриц. предложении, а также в утверд. ответе) I don't mind if you go. ≈ Я не против того, чтобы ты пошел. She doesn't mind the cold. ≈ Она ничего не имеет против холода. I wouldn't mind a cup of tea. ≈ Не откажусь от чашки чая. Do you mind my smoking? ≈ Вы не будете возражать, если я закурю? I don't mind it a bit. ≈ Нет, нисколько. Yes, I mind it very much. ≈ Нет, я очень против этого. I shouldn't mind ≈ я не прочь Syn: object II
    5) а) быть внимательным, аккуратным;
    не забыть выполнить (дела, обязанности и т. п.) Mind you finish it. ≈ Не забудь закончить это. Mind you're not late. ≈ Смотрите, не опоздайте. б) беречься, оберегаться, остерегаться Mind the broken glass. ≈ Остерегайся разбитого стекла. ум, разум - to enter /to cross, to come into/ one's * прийти на ум /в голову/, осенить - his * was filled with sad thoughts его одолевали печальные мысли - on one's * на уме, в мыслях - she has smth. on her * у нее что-то на уме;
    ее что-то тревожит - what have you in *? что ты собираешься сделать?;
    что у тебя на уме?;
    что ты имеешь в виду? - it preys on my * это меня угнетает /тяготит/ - to get smth. into one's * забрать себе что-л. в голову;
    понять что-л. - to get smth. out of one's * выбросить что-л. из головы - to have /to get/ smth. off one's * перестать думать о чем-л.;
    избавиться от мыслей о чем-л. - to poison smb.'s * against smb. настроить кого-л. против кого-л. - where's my *? (разговорное) о чем я думаю? умственные способности, интеллект, ум;
    мышление, умственная деятельность - * game интеллектуальная игра - a pedestrian * посредственность - to possess unusual powers of * обладать недюжинным умом /недюжинными способностями/ - the great *s of our age великие умы нашего времени - I don't understand how his * works я не понимаю ход его мыслей - he has a very good * он очень способный (человек) рассудок, ум - presence of * присутствие духа, хладнокровие - to be of sound *, to be sound in *, to be in one's right * быть в здравом уме - to be clear in one's own * ясно представлять себе, отдавать себе ясный отчет - to be out of one's (right) * быть не в своем уме;
    быть сумасшедшим;
    сходить с ума, быть в отчаянии /вне себя/ - you must be out of your *! вы с ума сошли! - she was out of her * with grief она сходила с ума от горя - to go out of one's * сходить с ума;
    терять рассудок - his * has gone, he has lost his * он не в своем уме - to drive /to send/ smb. out of his * сводить кого-л. с ума;
    доводить кого-л. до сумасшествия память - absence of * забывчивость;
    рассеянность - to bear /to keep/ in * помнить;
    иметь в виду - bear that in *! запомни это!;
    имей это в виду! - with present-day conditions in * учитывая сегодняшнюю действительность, имея в виду условия современной жизни - to bring /to call/ to * вспоминать, припоминать;
    воскрешать в памяти;
    напоминать - I called his words to * я вспомнил его слова - this brings to * another story это (мне) напоминает еще один /другой/ случай - to put smb. in * of smth. напоминать кому-л. о чем-л. - he puts me in * of his father он напоминает мне своего отца - to cast one's * back вспомнить прошлое /былое/ - to go /to pass/ out of (one's) *, to slip one's * быть забытым;
    выскочить из головы - it went clean out of my * (разговорное) я начисто забыл об этом - to put /to get/ smth. out of (one's) * забыть что-л. - time out of * незапамятные времена;
    испокон веку( устаревшее) поминание;
    поминальная служба настроение, состояние духа - cheerful * хорошее настроение - peace of * спокойствие духа - I was easy in my * у меня было спокойно на душе - in a good state /frame/ of * в хорошем настроении, расположении направление мыслей;
    склад ума - reactionary * реакционные /консервативные/ взгляды /убеждения/ (откровенное) мнение;
    взгляд - to speak one's * (out) откровенно высказываться - to tell smb. one's *, to let smb. know one's * откровенно высказать кому-л. свое мнение или неодобрение - I gave him a piece of my * (разговорное) я ему высказал все, что думал - to be of smb.'s *, to be of the same * as smb. быть одного мнения с кем-л., придерживаться того же мнения - they were all of one * все они придерживались одного мнения, они достигли единодушного решения;
    они пришли к соглашению - with one * единодушно - to be of the same * быть единодушным, придерживаться одного мнения;
    оставаться при своем мнении - to keep an open * on smth. сохранять объективность в подходе к вопросу, делу - to have an open * быть непредубежденным - meeting of *s (американизм) соглашение, единство взглядов - to smb.'s * по чьему-л. мнению - to my * you are right по-моему, ты прав;
    на мой взгляд, ты прав намерение, желание - to have a * to do smth. иметь намерение /быть склонным/ сделать что-л. - to have a good /a great/ * to do smth. очень хотеть что-л. сделать - I have a great * to speak to him вот возьму да и поговорю с ним - to have half a * to do smth. быть не прочь /быть склонным/ что-л. сделать - to know one's own * не колебаться, твердо знать, чего хочешь - he doesn't know his own * он сам не знает, чего (он) хочет - to change /to alter/ one's * передумать, изменить свое решение /свои намерения/ - to be in /of/ two *s быть /находиться/ в нерешительности, колебаться;
    не знать на что решиться - to smb.'s * в соответствии с чьими-л. желаниями;
    по чьему-л. вкусу мысли, думы;
    стремление, помыслы - to set one's * on smth. очень хотеть чего-л.;
    сосредоточить все свои помыслы на чем-л.;
    поставить себе какую-л. цель - he has set his * on becoming an engineer он твердо решил стать инженером - my * was (set) on other things я думал о других вещах - to give /to turn/ one's * to smth. обратить свое внимание на что-л.;
    сосредоточить свои мысли /помыслы/ на чем-л.;
    приложить старания к чему-л. - to keep one's * on smth. все время думать о чем-л.;
    сосредоточить свое внимание на чем-л. - you must keep your * on your work ты должен все время думать о своей работе - he turned his * to his work он сосредоточился на своей работе - to read smb.'s * читать чужие мысли - to be on smb.'s * поглощать чье-л. внимание - to take one's * off smth. перестать думать о чем-л. - to take smb.'s * off smth. отвлекать чье-л. внимание от чего-л. - it took her * off her troubles это отвлекло ее от забот /от переживаний/ - to bring one's * to bear on smth. обратить свое внимание на что-л. - I set his * at rest я его успокоил дух;
    душа - * and body душа и тело - the *'s eye мысленный взгляд, воображение > to make up one's * решиться;
    принять решение > to make up one's * to smth. смириться с чем-л. > so many men so many *s (пословица) сколько голов, столько умов > a sound * in a sound body( пословица) в здоровом теле здоровый дух > out of sight, out of * (пословица) с глаз долой - из сердца вон в вопросительных или отрицательных предложениях, а также в утвердительном ответе возражать, иметь (что-л.) против - if you don't * если вы не возражаете - do you * if I smoke?, do you * my smoking?, would you * my smoking? вы не будете возражать, если я закурю? - no, I don't * (it) нет, я не возражаю /ничего не имею против/ - yes, I * it (very much) нет, я (решительно) возражаю - I shouldn't * a cup of tea я не прочь выпить чашку чаю - would you * ringing? будьте любезны, позвоните;
    не будете ли вы так любезны позвонить? - would you * holding your tongue? попридержи свой язык, пожалуйста заботиться;
    волноваться, беспокоиться, тревожиться - he *s your attitude very much его очень волнует ваше отношение - I do not * what you do мне все равно, что вы сделаете - he doesn't * the cold weather холодная погода ему нипочем - I don't * what people say меня не волнует, что говорят люди обыкн. в повелительном предложении обращать внимание, считаться( с чем-л.) - don't * me не обращайте внимания на меня - never * him не обращайте на него внимания - never * the expense не останавливайтесь перед расходами обыкн. в повелительном предложении прислушиваться (к советам и т. п.) ;
    слушаться - the dog *s his master собака слушается своего хозяина - * what I say (внимательно) слушай, что я говорю - if he had *ed me если бы он меня послушал - * and do what you are told слушайся и изволь делать то, что тебе говорят обыкн. в повелительном предложении остерегаться, беречься, обращать внимание - * the step! осторожно! ступенька! - * the dog берегись собаки - * your health береги свое здоровье - * what you are doing! осторожнее! - * your language! выражайтесь повежливее! обыкн. в повелительном предложении не забыть сделать (что-л.) - * you write не забудь(те) написать - * you don't forget смотри не забудь - * you bring the book (смотрите) не забудьте принести книгу обыкн. в повелительном предложении обратить внимание, заметить - I have no objection, * (you), but... я не возражаю, заметь, но... - not a word, *! помните, никому ни слова! заботиться (о чем-л., ком-л.) ;
    смотреть, присматривать ( за чем-л., кем-л.) ;
    заниматься (чем-л.) - to * the baby присматривать за ребенком - to * one's business заниматься своим делом - * your own business! не вмешивайся в чужие дела! - I asked him if he'd * my bags я попросил его присмотреть за моими чемоданами (устаревшее) (диалектизм) помнить (редкое) напоминать (устаревшее) внимательно следить, внимать( устаревшее) (диалектизм) намереваться > never *! не волнуйся, не обращай внимания!, стоит ли беспокоиться!;
    ничего!, все равно!, не беда!;
    это несущественно!;
    не твое дело! > where have you been? - Never you *! где вы были? - Не ваша забота /печаль/ > to * one's P's and Q's следить за собой, за своими словами, соблюдать осторожность или приличия > * your eye! держи ухо востро!, берегись!, гляди в оба! ~ разум;
    умственные способности;
    to be in one's right mind быть в здравом уме;
    out of one's mind помешанный, не в своем уме to know one's own ~ не колебаться, твердо знать, чего хочешь;
    to be in two minds колебаться, находиться в нерешительности ~ мнение;
    to be of one (или а) mind (with) быть одного и того же мнения (с) to be of the same ~ быть единодушным, придерживаться одного мнения to be of the same ~ оставаться при своем мнении;
    to speak one's mind говорить откровенно;
    to change (или to alter) one's mind передумать;
    to my mind по моему мнению to bring to ~ напомнить do you ~ my smoking? вы не будете возражать, если я закурю?;
    I don't mind it a bit нет, нисколько to go (или to pass) out of ~ выскочить из памяти to live with one's own ~ жить своим умом;
    the great minds of the world великие умы человечества;
    on one's mind в мыслях, на уме to have an open ~ быть объективным, непредубежденным ~ память;
    to have (или to bear, to keep) in mind помнить, иметь в виду do you ~ my smoking? вы не будете возражать, если я закурю?;
    I don't mind it a bit нет, нисколько ~ намерение, желание;
    I have a great (или good) mind to do it у меня большое желание это сделать yes, I ~ it very much нет, я очень против этого;
    I shouldn't mind я не прочь yes, I ~ it very much нет, я очень против этого;
    I shouldn't mind я не прочь it was not to his ~ это было ему не по вкусу to know one's own ~ не колебаться, твердо знать, чего хочешь;
    to be in two minds колебаться, находиться в нерешительности to live with one's own ~ жить своим умом;
    the great minds of the world великие умы человечества;
    on one's mind в мыслях, на уме to make up one's ~ решить(ся) to make up one's ~ (to smth.) смириться (с чем-л.) many men, many minds, no two minds think alike = сколько голов, столько умов many men, many minds, no two minds think alike = сколько голов, столько умов mind беспокоиться ~ (в вопр. или отриц. предложении, а также в утверд. ответе) возражать, иметь (что-л.) против ~ дух (душа) ;
    mind's eye духовное око, мысленный взгляд;
    deep in one's mind (глубоко) в душе ~ заботиться, заниматься (чем-л.) ;
    смотреть (за чем-л.) ;
    to mind the shop присматривать за лавкой;
    please mind the fire пожалуйста, последите за камином ~ заботиться ~ мнение;
    to be of one (или а) mind (with) быть одного и того же мнения (с) ~ намерение, желание;
    I have a great (или good) mind to do it у меня большое желание это сделать ~ остерегаться, беречься;
    mind the step! осторожно, там ступенька! ~ память;
    to have (или to bear, to keep) in mind помнить, иметь в виду ~ помнить;
    mind our agreement не забудьте о нашем соглашении;
    mind and do what you're told не забудьте сделать то, что вам велели ~ присматривать ~ психическое здоровье ~ разум;
    умственные способности;
    to be in one's right mind быть в здравом уме;
    out of one's mind помешанный, не в своем уме ~ рассудок ~ помнить;
    mind our agreement не забудьте о нашем соглашении;
    mind and do what you're told не забудьте сделать то, что вам велели to ~ one's P's and Q's следить за собой, за своими словами, соблюдать осторожность или приличия;
    mind your eye! = держи ухо востро! ~ помнить;
    mind our agreement не забудьте о нашем соглашении;
    mind and do what you're told не забудьте сделать то, что вам велели ~ заботиться, заниматься (чем-л.) ;
    смотреть (за чем-л.) ;
    to mind the shop присматривать за лавкой;
    please mind the fire пожалуйста, последите за камином ~ остерегаться, беречься;
    mind the step! осторожно, там ступенька! to ~ one's P's and Q's следить за собой, за своими словами, соблюдать осторожность или приличия;
    mind your eye! = держи ухо востро! ~ дух (душа) ;
    mind's eye духовное око, мысленный взгляд;
    deep in one's mind (глубоко) в душе to be of the same ~ оставаться при своем мнении;
    to speak one's mind говорить откровенно;
    to change (или to alter) one's mind передумать;
    to my mind по моему мнению never ~ ничего, неважно, не беспокойтесь, не беда never ~ the cost (или the expense) не останавливайтесь перед расходами many men, many minds, no two minds think alike = сколько голов, столько умов of sound ~ в здравом уме of unsound ~ душевнобольной unsound: ~ нездоровый, больной;
    of unsound mind сумасшедший, душевнобольной to live with one's own ~ жить своим умом;
    the great minds of the world великие умы человечества;
    on one's mind в мыслях, на уме ~ разум;
    умственные способности;
    to be in one's right mind быть в здравом уме;
    out of one's mind помешанный, не в своем уме ~ заботиться, заниматься (чем-л.) ;
    смотреть (за чем-л.) ;
    to mind the shop присматривать за лавкой;
    please mind the fire пожалуйста, последите за камином to read (smb.'s) ~ читать чужие мысли read: to ~ (smb.'s) mind (или thoughts) читать чужие мысли;
    to read (smb.'s) hand (или palm) гадать по руке to be of the same ~ оставаться при своем мнении;
    to speak one's mind говорить откровенно;
    to change (или to alter) one's mind передумать;
    to my mind по моему мнению split ~ = split personality split ~ = split personality personality: split ~ раздвоение личности

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mind

  • 8 mind

    1. [maınd] n
    1. 1) ум, разум

    to enter /to cross, to come into/ one's mind - прийти на ум /в голову/, осенить

    on one's mind - на уме, в мыслях

    she has smth. on her mind - у неё что-то на уме; её что-то тревожит

    what have you in mind? - а) что ты собираешься сделать?; что у тебя на уме?; б) что ты имеешь в виду?

    it preys on my mind - это меня угнетает /тяготит/

    to get smth. into one's mind - а) забрать себе что-л. в голову; б) понять что-л.

    to get smth. out of one's mind - выбросить что-л. из головы [ср. тж. 2, 1)]

    to have /to get/ smth. off one's mind - перестать думать о чём-л.; избавиться от мыслей о чём-л.

    to poison smb.'s mind against smb. - настроить кого-л. против кого-л.

    where's my mind? - разг. о чём я думаю?

    2) умственные способности, интеллект, ум; мышление, умственная деятельность

    to possess unusual powers of mind - обладать недюжинным умом /недюжинными способностями/

    the great [best] minds of our age - великие [лучшие] умы нашего времени

    3) рассудок, ум

    presence of mind - присутствие духа, хладнокровие

    to be of sound mind, to be sound in mind, to be in one's right mind - быть в здравом уме

    to be clear in one's own mind - ясно представлять себе, отдавать себе ясный отчёт

    to be out of one's (right) mind - а) быть не в своём уме; быть сумасшедшим; you must be out of your mind! - вы с ума сошли!; б) сходить с ума, быть в отчаянии /вне себя/

    she was out of her mind with grief [with fear] - она сходила с ума от горя [от страха]

    to go out of one's mind - сходить с ума; терять рассудок

    his mind has gone, he has lost his mind - он не в своём уме

    to drive /to send/ smb. out of his mind - сводить кого-л. с ума; доводить кого-л. до сумасшествия

    2. 1) память

    absence of mind - забывчивость; рассеянность

    to bear /to keep/ in mind - помнить; запоминать; иметь в виду

    bear that in mind! - запомни это!; имей это в виду!

    with present-day conditions in mind - учитывая сегодняшнюю действительность, имея в виду условия современной жизни

    to bring /to call/ to mind - а) вспоминать, припоминать; I called his words to mind - я вспомнил его слова; б) воскрешать в памяти; напоминать

    this brings to mind another story - это (мне) напоминает ещё один /другой/ случай

    to put smb. in mind of smth. - напоминать кому-л. о чём-л.

    to cast one's mind back - вспомнить прошлое /былое/

    to go /to pass/ out of (one's) mind, to slip one's mind - быть забытым; выскочить из головы

    it went clean out of my mind - разг. я начисто забыл об этом

    to put /to get/ smth. out of (one's) mind - забыть что-л. [ср. тж. 1, 1)]

    time out of mind - незапамятные времена; ≅ испокон веку

    2) уст. поминание; поминальная служба
    3. 1) настроение, состояние духа

    I was easy [uneasy] in my mind - у меня было спокойно [неспокойно] на душе

    in a good [bad] state /frame/ of mind - в хорошем [в плохом] настроении, расположении

    2) направление мыслей; склад ума

    reactionary mind - реакционные /консервативные/ взгляды /убеждения/

    4. (откровенное) мнение; взгляд

    to tell smb. one's mind, to let smb. know one's mind - откровенно высказать кому-л. своё мнение или неодобрение

    I gave him a piece of my mind - разг. я ему высказал всё, что думал

    to be of smb.'s mind, to be of the same mind as smb. - быть одного мнения с кем-л., придерживаться того же мнения

    they were all of one mind - все они придерживались одного мнения, они достигли единодушного решения; они пришли к соглашению

    to be of the same mind - а) быть единодушным, придерживаться одного мнения; б) оставаться при своём мнении

    to keep an open mind on smth. - сохранять объективность в подходе к вопросу, делу

    meeting of minds - амер. соглашение, единство взглядов

    to smb.'s mind - по чьему-л. мнению [см. тж. 5, 1)]

    to my mind you are right - по-моему, ты прав; на мой взгляд, ты прав

    5. 1) намерение, желание

    to have a mind to do smth. - иметь намерение /быть склонным/ сделать что-л.

    to have a good /a great/ mind to do smth. - очень хотеть что-л. сделать

    to have half a mind to do smth. - быть не прочь /быть склонным/ что-л. сделать

    to know one's own mind - не колебаться, твёрдо знать, чего хочешь

    he doesn't know his own mind - он сам не знает, чего (он) хочет

    to change /to alter/ one's mind - передумать, изменить своё решение /свои намерения/

    to be in /of/ two minds - быть /находиться/ в нерешительности, колебаться; не знать на что решиться

    to smb.'s mind - в соответствии с чьими-л. желаниями; но чьему-л. вкусу [см. тж. 4]

    2) мысли, думы; стремление, помыслы

    to set one's mind on smth. - очень хотеть чего-л.; сосредоточить все свои помыслы на чём-л.; поставить себе какую-л. цель

    he has set his mind on becoming an engineer - он твёрдо решил стать инженером

    to give /to turn/ one's mind to smth. - обратить своё внимание на что-л.; сосредоточить свои мысли /помыслы/ на чём-л.; приложить старания к чему-л.

    to keep one's mind on smth. - всё время думать о чём-л.; сосредоточить своё внимание на чём-л.

    you must keep your mind on your work - ты должен всё время думать о своей работе

    to read smb.'s mind - читать чужие мысли

    to be on smb.'s mind - поглощать чьё-л. внимание

    to take one's mind off smth. - перестать думать о чём-л.

    to take smb.'s mind off smth. - отвлекать чьё-л. внимание от чего-л.

    it took her mind off her troubles - это отвлекло её от забот /от переживаний/

    to bring one's mind to bear on smth. - обратить своё внимание на что-л.

    6. дух; душа

    the mind's eye - мысленный взгляд, воображение

    to make up one's mind - решиться; принять решение

    to make up one's mind to smth. - смириться с чем-л.

    so many men so many minds - посл. сколько голов, столько умов

    a sound mind in a sound body - посл. в здоровом теле здоровый дух

    out of sight, out of mind - посл. с глаз долой - из сердца вон

    2. [maınd] v
    1. в вопросительных или отрицательных предложениях, а также в утвердительном ответе возражать, иметь (что-л.) против

    do you mind if I smoke [open the window]?, do you mind my smoking [opening the window]?, would you mind my smoking [opening the window]? - вы не будете возражать, если я закурю [открою окно]?

    no, I don't mind (it) - нет, я не возражаю /ничего не имею против/

    yes, I mind it (very much) - нет, я (решительно) возражаю

    would you mind ringing? - будьте любезны, позвоните; не будете ли вы так любезны позвонить?

    would you mind holding your tongue? - попридержи свой язык, пожалуйста

    2. заботиться; волноваться, беспокоиться, тревожиться

    I do not mind what you do - мне всё равно, что вы сделаете

    I don't mind what people say - меня не волнует, что говорят люди

    3. обыкн. в повелительном предложении:
    1) обращать внимание, считаться (с чем-л.)
    2) прислушиваться (к советам и т. п.); слушаться

    mind what I say - (внимательно) слушай, что я говорю

    mind and do what you are told - слушайся и изволь делать то, что тебе говорят

    3) остерегаться, беречься, обращать внимание

    mind the step [the stairs]! - осторожно! ступенька [лестница]!

    mind what you are doing! - осторожнее!

    mind your language! - выражайтесь повежливей!

    4) не забыть сделать (что-л.)
    5) обратить внимание, заметить

    I have no objection, mind (you), but... - я не возражаю, заметь, но...

    not a word, mind! - помните, никому ни слова!

    4. заботиться (о чём-л., ком-л.); смотреть, присматривать (за чем-л., кем-л.); заниматься (чем-л.)

    to mind the baby [the shop] - присматривать за ребёнком [за лавкой]

    mind your own business! - не вмешивайся в чужие дела!

    I asked him if he'd mind my bags - я попросил его присмотреть за моими чемоданами

    5. 1) арх., диал. помнить
    2) редк. напоминать
    6. арх. внимательно следить, внимать
    7. уст., диал. намереваться

    never mind! - а) не волнуйся, не обращай внимания!, стоит ли беспокоиться!; ничего!, всё равно!, не беда!; это несущественно!; б) не твоё дело!

    where have you been? - Never you mind! - где вы были? - Не ваша забота /печаль/

    to mind one's P's and Q's - следить за собой, за своими словами, соблюдать осторожность или приличия

    mind your eye! - ≅ держи ухо востро!, берегись!, гляди в оба!

    НБАРС > mind

  • 9 mind

    I. 1. ум, разум, разсъдък, интелект
    to be in one's right MIND нормален съм
    to be out of one's MIND луд/побъркан съм
    to go out of one's MIND полудявам
    of sound MIND нормален, здравомислещ
    great MINDs велики умове
    no two MINDs think alike всеки си разсъждава посвоему
    2. дух, съзнание, манталитет, мисловност
    absence of MIND разсеяност
    presence of MIND присъствие на духа, самообладание
    I can't get that out of my MIND не мога да избия това от главата си, все за това мисля
    to have something on one's MIND загрижен съм, нещо ми тежи
    strength of MIND волевост
    3. мнение, мисъл, намерение, решение, воля, внимание
    to be of someone's MIND, to be of the same MIND as someone, to be of a MIND with someone съгласен съм с някого, единодушни/на същото мнение сме с някого
    to be in two MINDs about двоумя се/колебая се относно
    to give/put/set/turn one's MIND to съcредоточавам се върху
    to bend someone's MIND разг. повлиявам някому
    to blow someone's MIND разг. възбуждам някого (силно) (за наркотично средство)
    to have something in MIND намислил съм нещо, имам нещо предвид
    to keep one's MIND on something съсредоточавам се върху/мисля за нещо
    to close/shut one's MIND to не възприемам, не желая да видя/възприема
    nothing was further from his MIND съвсем нямаше такова намерение
    to make up one's MIND (about something) решавам (се) (на нещо)
    to make up one's MIND to something примирявам се с нещо
    to make up one's MIND to do something решавам (се) да направя нещо
    to change one's MIND променям решението си
    to give someone a piece of one's MIND накастрям/нарязвам някого
    to have half a MIND to почти съм склонен да
    to have a good MIND to иде ми да
    to know one's own MIND знам какво искам
    to speak one's MIND казвам това, което мисля
    to take someone's MIND off something отвличам вниманието на някого от нещо
    to my MIND по мое мнение, по мой вкус
    4. памет, спомен
    to bear/keep in MIND не забравям, спомням си, имам грижата за, имам предвид
    to put someone in MIND of напомням някому за (нещо)
    to put out of one's MIND забравям съзнателно
    to bring/recall something to someone's MIND припомням някому нещо
    II. 1. грижа се за, гледам, пазя, внимавам
    MIND the baby! пази/гледай детето! MIND the step! внимавай, има стъпало! to MIND one's own business/affairs гледам си работата, не се бъркам в чужди работи
    MIND you're not late! гледай да не/хем да не закъснееш! MIND the paint/the dog! пази се от боята/кучето! I have no objection, MIND (you) забележете (добре), нямам възражения
    2. помня, не забравям, обръщам внимание на, спазвам
    to MIND the rules спазвам правилата
    I don't MIND what people say не ме интересува какво ще кажат хората
    who MINDs what he says? кой му обръща внимание/го бръсне? never MIND him не му обръщай внимание
    never MIND the expense няма значение колко струва
    3. уважавам
    to MIND one's elders уважавам постарите
    4. обик. в отр. и въпрос. изр. имам нещо против, не съм съгласен, не ми харесва, тежи ми
    do you MIND my smoking/if I smoke? имате ли нещо против, ако запуша? would you MIND opening the window? бихте ли отворили прозореца? моля, отвороте прозореца! I don't MIND все ми е едно, безразлично ми е, съгласен съм, може, бива
    I don't MIND the cold издържам на студ
    I don't MIND hard work, but I do MIND commuting in winter не ми тежи тежката работа, но възразявам срещу пътуването до работата зиме
    I shouldn't MIND a cup of tea с удоволствие бих изпил/пийвам чаша чай
    will you have some more cake? -I don't MIND if I do! искаш ли още кейк? -може! to MIND one's P's and Q's говоря/действувам предпазливо, спазвам приличието
    to MIND the shop, ам. store прен. разпореждам се
    never MIND! нищо! няма значение!
    * * *
    {maind} n 1. ум, разум, разсъдък; интелект; to be in o.'s right (2) {maind} v 1. грижа се за; гледам; пазя; внимавам; mind the baby
    * * *
    съзнание; ум; уважавам; решение; склонност; пазя; помня; внимавам; психика; разум; против; разсъдък; дух; гледам; мисловност; мисъл; мнение; манталитет; намерение; наглеждам; нрав;
    * * *
    1. absence of mind разсеяност 2. do you mind my smoking/if i smoke? имате ли нещо против, ако запуша? would you mind opening the window? бихте ли отворили прозореца? моля, отвороте прозореца! i don't mind все ми е едно, безразлично ми е, съгласен съм, може, бива 3. great minds велики умове 4. i can't get that out of my mind не мога да избия това от главата си, все за това мисля 5. i don't mind hard work, but i do mind commuting in winter не ми тежи тежката работа, но възразявам срещу пътуването до работата зиме 6. i don't mind the cold издържам на студ 7. i don't mind what people say не ме интересува какво ще кажат хората 8. i shouldn't mind a cup of tea с удоволствие бих изпил/пийвам чаша чай 9. i. ум, разум, разсъдък, интелект 10. ii. грижа се за, гледам, пазя, внимавам 11. mind the baby! пази/гледай детето! mind the step! внимавай, има стъпало! to mind one's own business/affairs гледам си работата, не се бъркам в чужди работи 12. mind you're not late! гледай да не/хем да не закъснееш! mind the paint/the dog! пази се от боята/кучето! i have no objection, mind (you) забележете (добре), нямам възражения 13. never mind the expense няма значение колко струва 14. never mind! нищо! няма значение! 15. no two minds think alike всеки си разсъждава посвоему 16. nothing was further from his mind съвсем нямаше такова намерение 17. of sound mind нормален, здравомислещ 18. presence of mind присъствие на духа, самообладание 19. strength of mind волевост 20. to be in one's right mind нормален съм 21. to be in two minds about двоумя се/колебая се относно 22. to be of someone's mind, to be of the same mind as someone, to be of a mind with someone съгласен съм с някого, единодушни/на същото мнение сме с някого 23. to be out of one's mind луд/побъркан съм 24. to bear/keep in mind не забравям, спомням си, имам грижата за, имам предвид 25. to bend someone's mind разг. повлиявам някому 26. to blow someone's mind разг. възбуждам някого (силно) (за наркотично средство) 27. to bring/recall something to someone's mind припомням някому нещо 28. to change one's mind променям решението си 29. to close/shut one's mind to не възприемам, не желая да видя/възприема 30. to give someone a piece of one's mind накастрям/нарязвам някого 31. to give/put/set/turn one's mind to съcредоточавам се върху 32. to go out of one's mind полудявам 33. to have a good mind to иде ми да 34. to have half a mind to почти съм склонен да 35. to have something in mind намислил съм нещо, имам нещо предвид 36. to have something on one's mind загрижен съм, нещо ми тежи 37. to keep one's mind on something съсредоточавам се върху/мисля за нещо 38. to know one's own mind знам какво искам 39. to make up one's mind (about something) решавам (се) (на нещо) 40. to make up one's mind to do something решавам (се) да направя нещо 41. to make up one's mind to something примирявам се с нещо 42. to mind one's elders уважавам постарите 43. to mind the rules спазвам правилата 44. to mind the shop, ам. store прен. разпореждам се 45. to my mind по мое мнение, по мой вкус 46. to put out of one's mind забравям съзнателно 47. to put someone in mind of напомням някому за (нещо) 48. to speak one's mind казвам това, което мисля 49. to take someone's mind off something отвличам вниманието на някого от нещо 50. who minds what he says? кой му обръща внимание/го бръсне? never mind him не му обръщай внимание 51. will you have some more cake? -i don't mind if i do! искаш ли още кейк? -може! to mind one's p's and q's говоря/действувам предпазливо, спазвам приличието 52. дух, съзнание, манталитет, мисловност 53. мнение, мисъл, намерение, решение, воля, внимание 54. обик. в отр. и въпрос. изр. имам нещо против, не съм съгласен, не ми харесва, тежи ми 55. памет, спомен 56. помня, не забравям, обръщам внимание на, спазвам 57. уважавам
    * * *
    mind [maind] I. n 1. ум, разум, разсъдък; интелект; to be in o.'s right \mind нормален съм; to be out of o.'s \mind побъркан (луд) съм; to blow o.'s \mind разг. 1) изпадам в екстаз, халюцинирам (след употреба на наркотици); 2) възмущавам, изкарвам от равновесие; 3) поразявам, смайвам, слисвам, шашвам; \mind over matter интелектът побеждава (стои над) физиката; it has gone clear out of my \mind съвсем ми щукна из ума; to bring o.'s \mind to осъзнавам, проумявам, става ми ясно; of sound \mind нормален, здравомислещ; great \minds великите умове; to bore ( scare) s.o. out of their \mind отегчавам (изплашвам) някого до смърт; 2. дух, съзнание; to wander in o.'s \mind бълнувам, говоря несвързано; 3. нрав; начин на мислене, манталитет, мисловност; high \mind великодушие, благородство; turn of \mind темперамент, манталитет; strength of \mind силна воля; peace of \mind душевно спокойствие; state of \mind състояние, разположение на духа; absence of \mind разсеяност; presence of \mind присъствие на духа, самообладание; to have a one-track \mind ограничен, тесногръд; to be easy in o.'s \mind спокоен съм, не се тревожа; I can't get that out of my \mind не мога да избия това от главата си; frame of \mind настроение, разположение; to have s.th. in o.'s \mind загрижен съм, нещо ми тежи; to keep o.'s \mind on съсредоточавам се върху; to close ( shut) o.'s \mind to s.th. не обръщам внимание на, прен. затварям си очите, отказвам да разбера; the \minds of men were roused духовете бяха възбудени; 4. склонност, вкус; to find s.th. to o.'s \mind нещо ми допада, по вкуса ми е; to have a month's \mind to s.o. (to do s.th.) изпитвам силно влечение към някого; имам голямо желание да, горя от нетърпение да; 5. мнение, мисъл, намерение; решение; to be of s.o.'s \mind, to be of like ( the same) \mind as s.o., to be of a \mind with s.o. съгласен съм, единодушни сме с някого, споделям мнението на някого, на същото мнение съм като някого; to be (have s.th.) on o.'s \mind вълнувам, тревожа, ангажирам вниманието (мислите) на някого; to be in two \minds двоумя се, колебая се; to know o.'s own \mind знам какво искам; действам решително; to change o.'s \mind променям решението си; to make up o.'s \mind решавам (се); to give s.o. a piece of o.'s \mind скастрям, нарязвам някого, давам някому да се разбере; to make s.o.'s \mind easy; to put s.o.' s \mind at ease успокоявам някого, разсейвам нечии съмнения (мрачни мисли); to have half a \mind to почти съм склонен да; to have a good \mind to почти съм решил да, ще ми се да; to have s.th. in \mind имам нещо предвид; to set o.'s \mind on ( upon) s.th. поставям си за цел, заемам се сериозно с, концентрирам се върху; to speak o.'s \mind казвам това, което мисля, говоря искрено; to my \mind според мен, по мое мнение; 6. във фрази: спомен, памет; to bear ( keep) in \mind не забравям, спомням си, имам грижата за; вземам предвид; вземам си бележка; to bring, (re)call s.th. to s.o.'s \mind припомням някому нещо; to call s.th. to \mind спомням си, припомням си; to cast o.'s \mind back спомням си миналото, връщам се мислено към (с to); he puts me in \mind of his father той ми напомня на баща си; to go ( pass) out of \mind забравя се; out of sight, out of \mind далеч от очите, далеч от сърцето; time out of \mind от незапомнени времена; II. v 1. обръщам внимание на, имам грижата за; don't \mind what other people say не слушай какво казват другите; to \mind o.'s own business не се бъркам в чужди работи; to \mind rules спазвам правила; 2. обръщам внимание на, уважавам; you ought to \mind your elders би трябвало да слушате старите хора; 3. внимавам; пазя, полагам грижи за, гледам; I did not say so, \mind you! забележете добре, аз не казах това! to \mind the child гледам (наглеждам) детето; \mind the paint! пази се от боята! внимание, боя! \mind what you say ( your language, your tongue)! мери си думите! \mind you are not late! гледайте да (хем да) не закъснеете! \mind yourself! (\mind your eye! sl) отваряй си очите, пази се! to \mind o.'s p's and q's говоря (действам) предпазливо; спазвам приличието; 4. помня (главно в imp); \mind what was told you! да не забравиш какво ти казаха! 5. (обикн. в отриц. и въпр. изречение) имам нещо против, не ми се харесва, тежи ми; do you \mind my smoking? имате ли нещо против да запуша? if you don't \mind ако нямате нищо против, ако това не Ви безпокои; would you \mind shutting the door? бихте ли затворили вратата? моля Ви, затворете вратата; I don't \mind все ми е едно, безразлично ми е; съгласен съм, може, бива; I don't \mind the cold издържам на студ; I don't \mind hard work, but I \mind insufficient pay трудната работа не ми тежи, но възразявам срещу недостатъчното заплащане; I should not \mind a cup of tea с удоволствие бих изпил чашка чай; never \mind! все едно; нищо; няма значение; не се безпокойте! never \mind him! не му обръщай внимание, не го гледай него! never \mind the remainder задръжте рестото; never you \mind! това е моя работа, не се бъркайте! will you have some cheese? - I don't \mind if I do искате ли малко сирене? - може; who \minds what he says? прен. кой го бръсне?

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    [maɪnd] n
    1) (brain, intellect) Geist m, Verstand m;
    she's one of the greatest \minds of today sie ist einer der größten Köpfe unserer Zeit;
    it's a question of \mind over matter das ist eine reine Willensfrage;
    he's got the \mind of a four-year-old! er hat den Verstand eines Vierjährigen!;
    it was a triumph of \mind over matter hier war der Wille stärker;
    in one's \mind eyes vor seinem geistigen Auge;
    frame of \mind seelische Verfassung;
    a fine \mind ein großer Geist;
    to have a good \mind einen klaren Verstand haben;
    to have a logical \mind logisch denken können;
    to the Victorian \mind nach der viktorianischen Denkweise;
    to use one's \mind seinen Verstand gebrauchen
    2) ( sanity) Verstand m;
    to be in one's right \mind noch ganz richtig im Kopf sein;
    to be out of one's \mind den Verstand verloren haben;
    to drive sb out of his/her \mind jdn wahnsinnig machen;
    to lose [or go out of] one's \mind den Verstand verlieren
    3) ( thoughts) Gedanken mpl;
    the idea never entered my \mind auf diesen Gedanken wäre ich gar nicht gekommen;
    it went out of my \mind ich hab's vergessen;
    you put that out of your \mind! das kannst du dir aus dem Kopf schlagen!;
    I can't get that song out of my \mind das Lied will mir einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gehen!;
    sorry, my \mind is on other things tut mir leid, ich bin mit den Gedanken ganz woanders;
    to be on one's \mind einen beschäftigen;
    you're always on my \mind ich denke die ganze Zeit an dich;
    what's on your \mind? woran denkst du?;
    what's on your \mind! woran du nur wieder denkst!;
    to be in the back of sb's \mind in jds Hinterkopf sein;
    to bear [or keep] sth in \mind etw nicht vergessen;
    bearing in \mind that... angesichts der Tatsache, dass...;
    to bring [or call] sth to \mind ( remember) sich akk etw in Erinnerung rufen;
    ( remind) an etw akk erinnern;
    to come [or spring] to sb's \mind jdm einfallen;
    to have sb/sth in \mind an jdn/etw denken;
    did you have anything special in \mind? dachten Sie an etwas Bestimmtes?;
    to have a lot of things on one's \mind viele Sorgen haben;
    to keep one's \mind on sth one's work sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren;
    sth puts sb in \mind of sth ( esp Brit) etw erinnert jdn an etw akk;
    to put sb out of one's \mind jdn aus seinem Gedächtnis streichen;
    to read sb's \mind jds Gedanken lesen;
    to set one's \mind to do sth sich akk auf etw akk konzentrieren;
    to take sb's \mind off sth jdn auf andere Gedanken bringen [o von etw dat ablenken];
    4) ( intention)
    nothing could be further from my \mind than... nichts läge mir ferner als...;
    to have in \mind to do sth vorhaben, etw zu tun;
    to know one's [own] \mind wissen, was man will;
    to make up one's \mind sich akk entscheiden;
    my \mind is made up! ich habe einen Entschluss gefasst!;
    to set one's \mind on sth sich dat etw in den Kopf setzen
    5) usu sing ( opinion) Meinung f, Ansicht f;
    to my \mind... meiner Meinung nach...;
    to give sb a piece of one's \mind jdm seine Meinung sagen;
    to be of the same \mind der gleichen Meinung [o derselben Ansicht] sein;
    I'm of the same \mind as you ich bin deiner Meinung;
    to be in [or of] two \minds about sth sich dat über etw akk nicht im Klaren sein;
    to change one's \mind es sich dat anders überlegen;
    to have a \mind of one's own seinen eigenen Kopf haben
    to have half a [good] \mind to... gute Lust haben,...;
    to be of a \mind to do sth ( form) geneigt sein, etw zu tun
    to be bored out of one's \mind sich akk zu Tode langweilen;
    great \minds think alike ah, ich sehe, wir verstehen uns! vt
    to \mind sth auf etw akk aufpassen;
    \mind your head [or \mind that you don't bang your head] pass auf, dass du dir nicht den Kopf stößt;
    \mind your head Vorsicht mit dem Kopf!;
    here, \mind, he said when she trod on his foot passen Sie doch auf, sagte er, als sie ihm auf den Fuß trat;
    \mind the step! Vorsicht Stufe!;
    \mind how you go pass doch auf!;
    ( as farewell) pass auf dich auf!;
    \mind your language! (dated) pass auf, was du sagst!
    to \mind sb sich akk um jdn kümmern;
    don't \mind me kümmere dich nicht um mich;
    don't \mind what she says kümmere dich nicht darum, was sie sagt;
    and never \mind the expense und vergiss jetzt einfach mal die Kosten;
    never \mind them - what about me? was kümmern mich die - was ist mit mir?;
    never \mind her! vergiss sie doch einfach!;
    never \mind how you got there... ist doch egal, wie du da hinkamst,...;
    \mind your own business! kümmere dich um deine eigenen Angelegenheiten!;
    I don't \mind the heat die Hitze macht mir nichts aus!;
    I don't \mind what she does es ist mir egal, was sie macht!
    to \mind that... denk daran, dass...;
    \mind you close the door when you leave vergiss nicht, die Tür zuzumachen, wenn du gehst;
    \mind you get this done before she gets home sieh zu, dass du damit fertig wirst, bevor sie nach Hause kommt
    to \mind sb/ sth auf jdn/etw aufpassen; ( fig)
    I'm \minding the shop ich kümmere mich hier um den Laden ( fam)
    5) (fam: object)
    to not \mind sth nichts gegen etw akk [einzuwenden] haben;
    would you \mind holding this for me? würden Sie das [kurz] für mich halten?;
    do you \mind my asking you a question? darf ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen?;
    do you \mind calling me a taxi? würde es dir was ausmachen, mir ein Taxi zu rufen?;
    do you \mind my smoking? stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?;
    I don't \mind her ich habe nichts gegen sie;
    I wouldn't \mind a new car/ a cup of tea gegen ein neues Auto/eine Tasse Tee hätte ich nichts einzuwenden!
    to \mind one's p's and q's sich akk gut benehmen;
    \mind you allerdings;
    \mind you, I'd love to have a cup of tea! also, gegen eine Tasse Tee hätte ich jetzt nichts einzuwenden!;
    \mind you, she did try immerhin hat sie es versucht! vi
    1) ( care) sich dat etwas daraus machen;
    I don't \mind das ist mir egal;
    sometime I wish he \minded a little more manchmal wünsche ich mir, dass es ihm ein bisschen mehr ausmachen würde;
    never \mind! [ist doch] egal!;
    never \mind, I'll do it myself! vergiss es, ich mach's selbst!;
    never \mind, one day... mach dir nichts draus - eines Tages...;
    never \mind about that mistake vergiss den Fehler einfach!;
    never \mind about that now vergiss das jetzt mal;
    never \mind about her - what about you? jetzt vergiss sie doch mal - was ist mit dir?;
    never you \mind! jetzt kümmere dich mal nicht drum!
    2) ( object) etwas dagegenhaben;
    do you \mind if I...? stört es Sie, wenn ich...?;
    do you \mind! (don't!) ich muss doch sehr bitten!;
    (may I?) darf ich?;
    nobody will \mind das wird niemanden stören;
    if you don't \mind... wenn du nichts dagegenhast,...;
    if you don't \mind me saying so,... ich hoffe, es macht dir nichts aus, dass ich dir das jetzt sage, aber...;
    I don't \mind if I do ich hätte nichts dagegen
    never \mind... geschweige denn...

    English-German students dictionary > mind

  • 11 mind

    (the power by which one thinks etc; the intelligence or understanding: The child already has the mind of an adult.) mente, cabeza, cerebro

    2. verb
    1) (to look after or supervise (eg a child): mind the baby.) cuidar
    2) (to be upset by; to object to: You must try not to mind when he criticizes your work.) importar, molestar
    3) (to be careful of: Mind (= be careful not to trip over) the step!) tener cuidado
    4) (to pay attention to or obey: You should mind your parents' words/advice.) hacer caso de

    3. interjection
    (be careful!: Mind! There's a car coming!) ¡cuidado!
    - - minded
    - mindful
    - mindless
    - mindlessly
    - mindlessness
    - mindreader
    - at/in the back of one's mind
    - change one's mind
    - be out of one's mind
    - do you mind!
    - have a good mind to
    - have half a mind to
    - have a mind to
    - in one's mind's eye
    - in one's right mind
    - keep one's mind on
    - know one's own mind
    - make up one's mind
    - mind one's own business
    - never mind
    - on one's mind
    - put someone in mind of
    - put in mind of
    - speak one's mind
    - take/keep one's mind off
    - to my mind

    mind1 n mente
    to my mind... a mi parecer / en mi opinión
    mind2 vb
    1. importar
    do you mind if I sit here? ¿te importa que me siente aquí?
    2. cuidar
    who is minding the baby? ¿quién está cuidando al niño?
    3. tener cuidado
    mind out! ¡cuidado!
    mind your own business! ¡ocúpate de tus asuntos!
    never mind! ¡no importa! / ¡da igual!
    you've got a dirty mind! ¡qué guarro eres!
    3 (brain, thoughts) cabeza, cerebro
    4 (person) cerebro
    1 (heed, pay attention to) hacer caso de; (care about) importar, preocupar
    don't mind me! ¡no me hagas caso!
    2 (be careful with) tener cuidado con
    mind the step! ¡cuidado con el escalón!
    mind your head! ¡ojo con la cabeza!
    3 (look after - child) cuidar, cuidar de; (- house) vigilar; (- shop) atender; (- seat, place) guardar
    could you mind the baby for a minute? ¿me puedes cuidar el bebé un momento?
    4 (object to, be troubled by) tener inconveniente en, importar, molestar
    I don't mind staying no tengo inconveniente en quedarme, no me importa quedarme
    are you sure you don't mind going? ¿seguro que no te importa ir?
    do you mind the noise? ¿te molesta el ruido?
    would you mind waiting? ¿le importaría esperar?
    5 (fancy, quite like) venir bien
    1 (be careful) tener cuidado
    mind (out)! ¡cuidado!, ¡ojo!
    2 (object to) importar, molestar, tener inconveniente
    do you mind if I open the window? ¿le importa que abra la ventana?
    would you mind if I used your phone? ¿podría utilizar su teléfono?
    do you want a biscuit? --I don't mind if I do! ¿quieres una galleta? --¡pues sí!
    mind you... ten en cuenta que..., la verdad es que...
    mind your own business no te metas en lo que no te importa
    never mind (it doesn't matter) no importa, da igual 2 (don't worry) no te preocupes 3 (let alone) ni hablar de
    never you mind! ¿a ti qué te importa?
    to be all in the mind no ser más que imaginaciones
    to be in one's right mind estar en su sano juicio
    to be in two minds about something estar indeciso,-a respecto a algo
    to be of one mind / be of the same mind ser del mismo parecer, tener la misma opinión
    to be of sound mind estar en pleno uso de sus facultades (mentales)
    to be on one's mind preocupar a uno
    to bear something in mind tener algo en cuenta, tener algo presente
    to blow somebody's mind alucinar a alguien
    to bring something to mind / call something to mind recordar algo, traer algo a la memoria
    to change one's mind cambiar de opinión, cambiar de parecer
    to come to mind ocurrírsele a uno, venir a la mente
    to cross somebody's mind ocurrírsele a alguien, pasar por la cabeza de alguien
    to get something/somebody out of one's mind quitarse algo/a alguien de la cabeza
    to give somebody a piece of one's mind decir cuatro verdades a alguien
    to go out of one's mind volverse loco,-a
    to have a mind of one's own saber decidirse por sí mismo,-a
    to have a good mind to do something estar por hacer algo, estar casi decidido,-a a hacer algo
    to have half a mind to do something estar por hacer algo, estar casi decidido,-a a hacer algo
    to have somebody/something in mind estar pensando en alguien/algo
    to have something on one's mind estar preocupado,-a por algo
    to keep an open mind tener una mente abierta
    to keep one's mind on something estar atento,-a a algo, prestar atención a algo, concentrarse en algo
    to lose one's mind perder el juicio
    to put somebody in mind of something recordarle a alguien algo
    to put something out of one's mind no pensar más en algo
    to put/set somebody's mind at ease/rest tranquilizar a alguien
    to put/set/turn one's mind to something proponerse algo
    to slip somebody's mind olvidársele a uno
    to somebody's mind en la opinión de alguien
    to my mind en mi opinión, a mi parecer
    to speak one's mind hablar sin rodeos, decir lo que uno piensa
    to take a load/weight off somebody's mind quitarle a alguien un peso de encima
    mind ['maɪnd] vt
    1) tend: cuidar, atender
    mind the children: cuida a los niños
    2) obey: obedecer
    3) : preocuparse por, sentirse molestado por
    I don't mind his jokes: sus bromas no me molestan
    4) : tener cuidado con
    mind the ladder!: ¡cuidado con la escalera!
    mind vi
    1) obey: obedecer
    2) care: importarle a uno
    I don't mind: no me importa, me es igual
    mind n
    1) memory: memoria f, recuerdo m
    keep it in mind: téngalo en cuenta
    2) : mente f
    the mind and the body: la mente y el cuerpo
    3) intention: intención f, propósito m
    to have a mind to do something: tener intención de hacer algo
    4) : razón f
    5) opinion: opinión f
    to change one's mind: cambiar de opinión
    6) intellect: capacidad f intelectual
    mente adv.
    cabeza s.f.
    entendimiento s.m.
    inteligencia s.f.
    juicio s.m.
    memoria s.f.
    mente s.f.
    mientes s.m.pl.
    ánimo s.m.
    acordarse de v.
    atender v.
    escuchar v.
    fijarse en v.
    tener en cuenta v.
    a) ( Psych) mente f

    with an open/a closed mind — sin/con ideas preconcebidas

    to keep an open mind on something — mantener* una mentalidad abierta or no cerrarse* frente a algo

    I'm convinced in my own mind that... — yo estoy plenamente convencido de que...

    to bear o keep something/somebody in mind — tener* algo/a alguien en cuenta, tener* presente algo/a alguien

    to bring o call something to mind: this case brings to mind another incident este caso (nos) recuerda otro incidente; to come to mind: nothing in particular comes to mind no se me ocurre nada en particular; to have something/somebody in mind tener* algo/a alguien en mente; with that in mind pensando en eso; to have something on one's mind: what's on your mind? ¿qué es lo que te preocupa?; to prey o weigh on somebody's mind: it's been preying o weighing on my mind me ha estado preocupando; that put my mind at rest con eso me tranquilizé or me quedé tranquilo; put it out of your mind! no pienses más en eso!; I can see her now in my mind's eye es como si la estuviera viendo; you're not ill: it's all in the mind no estás enfermo, es pura sugestión; I can't get him/the thought out of my mind no puedo quitármelo de la cabeza, no hago más que pensar en él/en eso; it never crossed my mind that... ni se me ocurrió pensar que..., nunca me habría imaginado que..., ni se me pasó por la cabeza que...; to take a load o weight off somebody's mind quitarle a alguien un peso de encima; great minds think alike — (hum) los genios pensamos igual

    b) ( mentality) mentalidad f
    c) ( Phil) (no art) espíritu m
    2) ( attention)

    to put one's mind to something: he can be quite charming if he puts his mind to it cuando quiere or cuando se lo propone, es un verdadero encanto; you could finish it today if you put your mind to it si te lo propones puedes terminarlo hoy; he needs something to take his mind off it necesita algo que lo distraiga; it slipped my mind — se me olvidó

    a) ( opinion)

    to change one's mindcambiar de opinión or de parecer or de idea

    my mind's made up — lo he decidido, estoy decidido

    he spoke his mind — dijo lo que pensaba, habló sin tapujos

    to my mind — a mi parecer, en mi opinión

    to be in o of two minds about something — estar* indeciso respecto a algo

    b) (will, intention)

    he has a mind of his own — ( he is obstinate) es muy empecinado or porfiado or testarudo; ( he knows his own mind) sabe muy bien lo que quiere

    to have a mind to + inf: when he has a mind to cuando quiere, cuando se lo propone; I've a good mind to complain to the manager tengo ganas de ir a quejarme al gerente; I've half a mind to tell her myself casi estoy por decírselo or casi se lo diría yo mismo; she certainly knows her own mind — ciertamente sabe lo que quiere

    4) ( mental faculties) juicio m, razón f

    to be of sound mind — (frml) estar* en pleno uso de sus (or mis etc) facultades (mentales) (frml)

    to be/go out of one's mind — estar*/volverse* loco

    no one in her/his right mind... — nadie en su sano juicio or en sus cabales...

    to blow somebody's mind — (colloq) alucinar a alguien (fam)

    5) ( person) mente f, cabeza f, cerebro m

    1) ( look after) \<\<children\>\> cuidar, cuidar de; \<\<seat/place\>\> guardar, cuidar; \<\<shop/office\>\> atender*

    mind your head!ojo or cuidado con la cabeza!

    mind how you go! — (colloq) cuídate, vete con cuidado

    b) ( concern oneself about) preocuparse por

    don't mind me — no se preocupen por mí, hagan como si yo no estuviera


    we didn't break even, never mind make a profit — ni siquiera cubrimos los gastos, ni hablar pues de ganancias

    3) ( object to) (usu neg or interrog)

    I don't mind the noise/cold — no me molesta or no me importa el ruido/frío

    I don't mind him, but I can't stand her — él no me disgusta, pero a ella no la soporto

    I wouldn't mind a drink — (colloq) no me vendría mal un trago

    I don't mind what you dome da igual or me da lo mismo lo que hagas

    to mind -ING: would you mind waiting? ¿le importaría esperar?, espere, por favor; if you don't mind me saying so — si me permites

    a) ( take care)

    mind! — ojo!, cuidado!

    never mind — no importa, no te preocupes (or no se preocupen etc)

    2) ( object) (usu neg or interrog)

    I don't mindme da igual or lo mismo

    have another one - I don't mind if I do! — (BrE hum) tómate otro - hombre, no te diría que no; ( expressing indignation)

    do you mind if I smoke? - yes, I do mind! — ¿te importa si fumo? - sí que me importa!

    do you mind! — ( expressing indignation) hágame el favor!

    3) ( take note) (only in imperative)

    I'm not promising, mind! — mira que no te lo prometo ¿eh?

    he's very generous; mind you, he can afford to be! — es muy generoso; pero claro, puede permitírselo

    Phrasal Verbs:
    1. NOUN
    1) (=brain, head) mente f

    a logical/creative mind — una mente racional/creativa

    it's all in the mind — es pura sugestión

    at the back of my mind I had the feeling that... — tenía la remota sensación de que...

    to bring one's mind to bear on sth — concentrarse en algo

    it came to my mind that... — se me ocurrió que...

    I'm not clear in my mind about it — todavía no lo tengo claro or no lo llego a entender

    it crossed my mind (that) — se me ocurrió (que)

    yes, it had crossed my mind — sí, eso se me había ocurrido

    does it ever cross your mind that...? — ¿piensas alguna vez que...?

    it never entered my mind — jamás se me pasó por la cabeza

    I can't get it out of my mind — no me lo puedo quitar de la cabeza

    to go over sth in one's mind — repasar algo mentalmente

    a triumph of mind over matterun triunfo del espíritu sobre la materia

    to have one's mind on sth — estar pensando en algo

    what's on your mind? — ¿qué es lo que te preocupa?

    you can put that right out of your mind — conviene no pensar más en eso

    knowing that he had arrived safely set my mind at ease or rest — el saber que había llegado sano y salvo me tranquilizó

    the thought that springs to mind is... — lo que primero se le ocurre a uno es...

    state of mind — estado m de ánimo

    that will take your mind off it — eso te distraerá

    to be uneasy in one's mind — quedarse con dudas

    that's a load or weight off my mind! — ¡eso me quita un peso de encima!

    blank 1., 2), read 1., 3), presence
    2) (=memory)

    to bear sth/sb in mind — tener en cuenta algo/a algn

    we must bear (it) in mind that... — debemos tener en cuenta que..., tenemos que recordar que...

    to keep sth/sb in mind — tener presente or en cuenta algo/a algn

    to pass out of mind — caer en el olvido

    time out of mindtiempo m inmemorial

    it went right or clean out of my mind — se me fue por completo de la cabeza

    to bring or call sth to mind — recordar algo, traer algo a la memoria

    slip 3., 3), stick II, 2., 5)
    3) (=intention)

    you can do it if you have a mind to — puedes lograrlo si de verdad estás empeñado en ello

    I have half a mind to do itestoy tentado or me dan ganas de hacerlo

    nothing was further from my mind — nada más lejos de mi intención

    to have sth in mind — tener pensado algo

    who do you have in mind for the job? — ¿a quién piensas darle el puesto or tienes en mente para el puesto?

    4) (=opinion) opinión f, parecer m

    to change one's mind — cambiar de opinión or idea or parecer

    to have a closed mind — tener una mente cerrada

    to know one's own mind — saber lo que uno quiere

    to make up one's mind — decidirse

    he has made up his mind to leave home — ha decidido irse de casa, está decidido a irse de casa

    to my mind — a mi juicio

    to be of one mind — estar de acuerdo

    with an open mind — con espíritu abierto or mentalidad abierta

    to have a mind of one's own[person] (=think for o.s.) pensar por sí mismo; hum [machine etc] tener voluntad propia, hacer lo que quiere

    to be of the same mind — ser de la misma opinión, estar de acuerdo

    I was of the same mind as my brother — yo estaba de acuerdo con mi hermano, yo era de la misma opinión que mi hermano

    - be in or of two minds
    piece 1., 1), speak 2., 2)
    5) (=mental balance) juicio m

    to lose one's mind — perder el juicio

    nobody in his right mind would do it — nadie que esté en su sano juicio lo haría

    of sound mind — en pleno uso de sus facultades mentales

    of unsound mind — mentalmente incapacitado

    - be out of one's mind

    you must be out of your mind! — ¡tú debes estar loco!

    to go out of one's mind — perder el juicio, volverse loco

    to go out of one's mind with worry/jealousy — volverse loco de preocupación/celos

    6) (=person) mente f, cerebro m
    1) (=be careful of) tener cuidado con

    mind you don't fall — ten cuidado, no te vayas a caer

    mind you don't get wet! — ten cuidado, no te vayas a mojar

    mind your head! — ¡cuidado con la cabeza!

    mind how you go! * (as farewell) ¡cuídate!

    mind your language! — ¡qué manera de hablar es esa!

    mind your manners! — ¡qué modales son esos!

    mind the step! — ¡cuidado con el escalón!

    mind what you're doing! — ¡cuidado con lo que haces!

    mind where you're going! — ¡mira por dónde vas!

    mind yourself! — ¡cuidado, no te vayas a hacer daño!

    2) (=make sure)

    mind you do it! — ¡hazlo sin falta!, ¡no dejes de hacerlo!

    3) (=pay attention to) hacer caso de

    mind what I say! — ¡hazme caso!, ¡escucha lo que te digo!

    mind your own business! — ¡no te metas donde no te llaman!

    don't mind me — por mí no se preocupe

    don't mind me!iro ¡y a mí que me parta un rayo! *

    never mind that now — olvídate de eso ahora

    mind you, it was raining at the time — claro que or te advierto que en ese momento llovía

    it was a big one, mind you — era grande, eso sí

    4) (=look after) cuidar

    could you mind the baby this afternoon? — ¿podrías cuidar al niño esta tarde?

    could you mind my bags for a few minutes? — ¿me cuidas or guardas las bolsas un momento?

    5) (=dislike, object to)

    I don't mind the cold — a mí no me molesta el frío

    I don't mind four, but six is too many — cuatro no me importa, pero seis son muchos

    if you don't mind my or me saying so, I think you're wrong — perdona que te diga pero estás equivocado, permíteme que te diga que te equivocas

    I don't mind telling you, I was shocked — estaba horrorizado, lo confieso

    I wouldn't mind a cup of tea — no me vendría mal un té

    do you mind telling me where you've been? — ¿te importa decirme dónde has estado?

    would you mind opening the door? — ¿me hace el favor de abrir la puerta?, ¿le importa(ría) abrir la puerta?

    7) dialect (=remember) acordarse de, recordar

    I mind the time when... — me acuerdo de cuando...

    1) (=be careful) tener cuidado

    mind! — ¡cuidado!, ¡ojo!, ¡abusado! (Mex)

    2) (=object)

    do you mind? — ¿te importa?

    do you mind!iro ¡por favor!

    do you mind if I open the window? — ¿te molesta que abra or si abro la ventana?

    do you mind if I come? — ¿te importa que yo venga?

    "do you mind if I take this book?" - "I don't mind at all" — -¿te importa si me llevo or que me lleve este libro? -en absoluto

    if you don't mind, I won't come — si no te importa, yo no iré

    please, if you don't mind — si no le importa, si es tan amable

    close the door, if you don't mind — hazme el favor de cerrar la puerta

    "cigarette?" - "I don't mind if I do" — -¿un cigarrillo? -pues muchas gracias or bueno or no digo que no

    never mind — (=don't worry) no te preocupes; (=it makes no odds) es igual, da lo mismo; (=it's not important) no importa

    I can't walk, never mind run — no puedo andar, ni mucho menos correr

    he didn't do it, mind — pero en realidad no lo hizo, la verdad es que no lo hizo


    mind game Njuego m psicológico

    mind map Nmapa m mental

    * * *
    a) ( Psych) mente f

    with an open/a closed mind — sin/con ideas preconcebidas

    to keep an open mind on something — mantener* una mentalidad abierta or no cerrarse* frente a algo

    I'm convinced in my own mind that... — yo estoy plenamente convencido de que...

    to bear o keep something/somebody in mind — tener* algo/a alguien en cuenta, tener* presente algo/a alguien

    to bring o call something to mind: this case brings to mind another incident este caso (nos) recuerda otro incidente; to come to mind: nothing in particular comes to mind no se me ocurre nada en particular; to have something/somebody in mind tener* algo/a alguien en mente; with that in mind pensando en eso; to have something on one's mind: what's on your mind? ¿qué es lo que te preocupa?; to prey o weigh on somebody's mind: it's been preying o weighing on my mind me ha estado preocupando; that put my mind at rest con eso me tranquilizé or me quedé tranquilo; put it out of your mind! no pienses más en eso!; I can see her now in my mind's eye es como si la estuviera viendo; you're not ill: it's all in the mind no estás enfermo, es pura sugestión; I can't get him/the thought out of my mind no puedo quitármelo de la cabeza, no hago más que pensar en él/en eso; it never crossed my mind that... ni se me ocurrió pensar que..., nunca me habría imaginado que..., ni se me pasó por la cabeza que...; to take a load o weight off somebody's mind quitarle a alguien un peso de encima; great minds think alike — (hum) los genios pensamos igual

    b) ( mentality) mentalidad f
    c) ( Phil) (no art) espíritu m
    2) ( attention)

    to put one's mind to something: he can be quite charming if he puts his mind to it cuando quiere or cuando se lo propone, es un verdadero encanto; you could finish it today if you put your mind to it si te lo propones puedes terminarlo hoy; he needs something to take his mind off it necesita algo que lo distraiga; it slipped my mind — se me olvidó

    a) ( opinion)

    to change one's mindcambiar de opinión or de parecer or de idea

    my mind's made up — lo he decidido, estoy decidido

    he spoke his mind — dijo lo que pensaba, habló sin tapujos

    to my mind — a mi parecer, en mi opinión

    to be in o of two minds about something — estar* indeciso respecto a algo

    b) (will, intention)

    he has a mind of his own — ( he is obstinate) es muy empecinado or porfiado or testarudo; ( he knows his own mind) sabe muy bien lo que quiere

    to have a mind to + inf: when he has a mind to cuando quiere, cuando se lo propone; I've a good mind to complain to the manager tengo ganas de ir a quejarme al gerente; I've half a mind to tell her myself casi estoy por decírselo or casi se lo diría yo mismo; she certainly knows her own mind — ciertamente sabe lo que quiere

    4) ( mental faculties) juicio m, razón f

    to be of sound mind — (frml) estar* en pleno uso de sus (or mis etc) facultades (mentales) (frml)

    to be/go out of one's mind — estar*/volverse* loco

    no one in her/his right mind... — nadie en su sano juicio or en sus cabales...

    to blow somebody's mind — (colloq) alucinar a alguien (fam)

    5) ( person) mente f, cabeza f, cerebro m

    1) ( look after) \<\<children\>\> cuidar, cuidar de; \<\<seat/place\>\> guardar, cuidar; \<\<shop/office\>\> atender*

    mind your head!ojo or cuidado con la cabeza!

    mind how you go! — (colloq) cuídate, vete con cuidado

    b) ( concern oneself about) preocuparse por

    don't mind me — no se preocupen por mí, hagan como si yo no estuviera


    we didn't break even, never mind make a profit — ni siquiera cubrimos los gastos, ni hablar pues de ganancias

    3) ( object to) (usu neg or interrog)

    I don't mind the noise/cold — no me molesta or no me importa el ruido/frío

    I don't mind him, but I can't stand her — él no me disgusta, pero a ella no la soporto

    I wouldn't mind a drink — (colloq) no me vendría mal un trago

    I don't mind what you dome da igual or me da lo mismo lo que hagas

    to mind -ING: would you mind waiting? ¿le importaría esperar?, espere, por favor; if you don't mind me saying so — si me permites

    a) ( take care)

    mind! — ojo!, cuidado!

    never mind — no importa, no te preocupes (or no se preocupen etc)

    2) ( object) (usu neg or interrog)

    I don't mindme da igual or lo mismo

    have another one - I don't mind if I do! — (BrE hum) tómate otro - hombre, no te diría que no; ( expressing indignation)

    do you mind if I smoke? - yes, I do mind! — ¿te importa si fumo? - sí que me importa!

    do you mind! — ( expressing indignation) hágame el favor!

    3) ( take note) (only in imperative)

    I'm not promising, mind! — mira que no te lo prometo ¿eh?

    he's very generous; mind you, he can afford to be! — es muy generoso; pero claro, puede permitírselo

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > mind

  • 12 language

    ['læŋgwɪdʒ] 1.
    1) U (system) linguaggio m.
    3) U (used by a particular group) linguaggio m. (anche inform.)

    formal, legal language — linguaggio formale, giuridico

    bad o strong o foul language linguaggio volgare; mind your language! bada a come parli! don't use that language with me! — non usare questo linguaggio con me!

    modificatore [ course] di lingua; [ school] di lingue; [barrier, laboratory] linguistico
    * * *
    1) (human speech: the development of language in children.) linguaggio
    2) (the speech of a particular nation: She is very good at (learning) languages; Russian is a difficult language.) lingua
    3) (the words and way of speaking, writing etc usually connected with a particular group of people etc: the language of journalists; medical language.) linguaggio, lingua
    * * *
    ['læŋgwɪdʒ] 1.
    1) U (system) linguaggio m.
    3) U (used by a particular group) linguaggio m. (anche inform.)

    formal, legal language — linguaggio formale, giuridico

    bad o strong o foul language linguaggio volgare; mind your language! bada a come parli! don't use that language with me! — non usare questo linguaggio con me!

    modificatore [ course] di lingua; [ school] di lingue; [barrier, laboratory] linguistico

    English-Italian dictionary > language

  • 13 ånd

    * * *
    subst. [ sjel] spirit, soul subst. (sinn, motsatt legeme) spirit, mind; intellect subst. (personlighet) spirit, intellect, mind, soul subst. (åndelig kraft, genialitet) genius (f.eks.

    men of genius

    ) subst. (stor personlighet) spirit, mind (f.eks.

    the great minds of the world

    ) subst. [ spøkelse] spirit, ghost subst. (overnaturlig vesen) spirit; genie (f.eks.

    the genie of the lamp, of the ring

    ) subst. (tenkemåte) spirit (f.eks.

    the spirit of the Nazi movement

    ) subst. (i hær etc.) morale subst. (indre prinsipp) spirit (f.eks.

    the spirit of the age

    ); genius (f.eks.

    the genius of the language

    ) subst. (tone, retning) spirit, tenor (f.eks.

    the general tenor of the document

    ); general bearing, drift (f.eks.

    the drift of what he said

    ) (ond ånd) evil spirit (en stor ånd) a great mind, a great spiritual force (tidens ånd) the spirit of the age (f.eks.

    his works were quite in keeping with the spirit of the age


    Norsk-engelsk ordbok > ånd

  • 14 language

    1) Sprache, die

    speak the same language — (fig.) die gleiche Sprache sprechen

    2) no pl., no art. (words, wording) Sprache, die

    [style of] language — [Sprach]stil, der

    use of language — Sprachgebrauch, der

    3) (style) Ausdrucksweise, die; Sprache, die; see also academic.ru/5024/bad">bad 1. 4); strong language
    4) (professional vocabulary) [Fach]sprache, die
    5) (Computing) Sprache, die
    * * *
    1) (human speech: the development of language in children.) die Sprache
    2) (the speech of a particular nation: She is very good at (learning) languages; Russian is a difficult language.) die Sprache
    3) (the words and way of speaking, writing etc usually connected with a particular group of people etc: the language of journalists; medical language.) die Fachsprache
    * * *
    1. (of nation) Sprache f
    she speaks four \languages fluently sie spricht vier Sprachen fließend
    artificial \language Kunstsprache f
    the English/German \language die englische/deutsche Sprache, Englisch/Deutsch nt
    a foreign \language eine Fremdsprache
    sb's native \language jds Muttersprache
    2. no pl (words) Sprache f; (style of expression) Ausdrucksweise f, Sprache f
    her \language was absolutely appalling! ihre Sprache war wirklich schockierend!
    \language, Robert! wie sprichst du denn, Robert!
    bad \language Schimpfwörter pl
    formal/spoken/written \language gehobene/gesprochene/geschriebene Sprache
    to mind one's \language aufpassen, was man sagt
    3. (of specialist group) Fachsprache f
    legal \language Rechtssprache f
    technical \language Fachsprache f; (individual expressions) Fachausdrücke pl
    [computer programming] \language Programmiersprache f
    to speak [or talk] the same \language die gleiche Sprache sprechen fig
    * * *
    Sprache f

    the English languageEnglisch nt, die englische Sprache

    the language of business/diplomacy —

    your language is appalling — deine Ausdrucksweise ist entsetzlich, du drückst dich entsetzlich aus

    that's no language to use to your mother!so spricht man nicht mit seiner Mutter!

    it's a bloody nuisance! – language! — verfluchter Mist! – na, so was sagt man doch nicht!

    strong languageSchimpfwörter pl, derbe Ausdrücke pl

    he used strong language, calling them fascist pigs — er beschimpfte sie als Faschistenschweine

    the request/complaint was put in rather strong language — die Aufforderung/Beschwerde hörte sich ziemlich krass an

    to talk the same language ( as sb) — die gleiche Sprache (wie jd) sprechen

    * * *
    language [ˈlæŋɡwıdʒ] s
    1. Sprache f:
    language of flowers fig Blumensprache;
    speak the same language dieselbe Sprache sprechen (a. fig);
    talk sb’s (kind of) language fig jemandes Sprache sprechen; gutter A 1
    2. Sprache f, Rede-, Ausdrucksweise f, Worte pl:
    language! so etwas sagt man nicht!;
    this is the only language he understands das ist die einzige Sprache, die er versteht; bad1 A 5, strong A 7
    3. Sprache f, Stil m
    4. (Fach)Sprache f, Terminologie f:
    medical language medizinische Fachsprache, Medizinersprache
    5. a) Sprachwissenschaft f
    b) Sprachunterricht m
    lang. abk language ( languages pl)
    * * *
    1) Sprache, die

    speak the same language(fig.) die gleiche Sprache sprechen

    2) no pl., no art. (words, wording) Sprache, die

    [style of] language — [Sprach]stil, der

    use of language — Sprachgebrauch, der

    3) (style) Ausdrucksweise, die; Sprache, die; see also bad 1. 4); strong language
    4) (professional vocabulary) [Fach]sprache, die
    5) (Computing) Sprache, die
    * * *
    Sprache -n f.

    English-german dictionary > language

  • 15 Programming Language

       1) Theories of Human Mental Processes Can Be Expressed in Programming Languages
       It [the information-processing revolution] has introduced computer programming languages as formal ["mathematical"] languages for expressing theories of human mental processes; and it has introduced the computers themselves as a device to simulate these processes and thereby make behavioral predictions for testing of the theories. (Simon, 1979, p. ix)
       LISP is now the second oldest programming language in present widespread use (after FORTRAN).... Its core occupies some kind of local optimum in the space of programming languages given that static friction discourages purely notational changes. Recursive use of conditional expressions, representation of symbolic information externally by lists and internally by list structure, and representation of program in the same way will probably have a very long life. (McCarthy, quoted in Barr & Feigenbaum, 1982, p. 5)
       Although it sounds implausible, it might turn out that above a certain level of complexity, a machine ceased to be predictable, even in principle, and started doing things on its own account, or, to use a very revealing phrase, it might begin to have a mind of its own. (Lucas, quoted in Hand, 1985, p. 4)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Programming Language

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    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Bibliography

  • 17 Chomsky, Noam

    (р. 1928) Хомский, Наум
    Лингвист и социолог. С 1955 профессор кафедры современных языков и лингвистики Массачусетского технологического института (МТИ) [ Massachusetts Institute of Technology]. Создатель лингвистической школы генеративной (порождающей) грамматики, изложенной в его трудах "Синтаксические структуры" [Syntactic Structures] (1957), "Аспекты теории синтаксиса" [Aspects of the Theory of Syntax] (1965), "Язык и мышление" [Language and Mind] (1967) и др. Его очерки по политике и социологии собраны в двух сборниках статей. В середине 60-х выступил как теоретик политических радикалов движения "новых левых" [ New Left] и как один из руководителей движения протеста против войны во Вьетнаме [ Vietnam War]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Chomsky, Noam


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
    1. Abend, S. M. Identity. PMC. Forthcoming.
    2. Abend, S. M. (1974) Problems of identity. PQ, 43.
    3. Abend, S. M., Porder, M. S. & Willick, M. S. (1983) Borderline Patients. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    4. Abraham, K. (1916) The first pregenital stage of libido. Selected Papers. London, Hogarth Press, 1948.
    5. Abraham, K. (1917) Ejaculatio praecox. In: selected Papers. New York Basic Books.
    6. Abraham, K. (1921) Contributions to the theory of the anal character. Selected Papers. New York: Basic Books, 1953.
    7. Abraham, K. (1924) A Short study of the development of the libido, viewed in the light of mental disorders. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1927.
    8. Abraham, K. (1924) Manic-depressive states and the pre-genital levels of the libido. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1949.
    9. Abraham, K. (1924) Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1948.
    10. Abraham, K. (1924) The influence of oral erotism on character formation. Ibid.
    11. Abraham, K. (1925) The history of an impostor in the light of psychoanalytic knowledge. In: Clinical Papers and Essays on Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1955, vol. 2.
    12. Abrams, S. (1971) The psychoanalytic unconsciousness. In: The Unconscious Today, ed. M. Kanzer. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    13. Abrams, S. (1981) Insight. PSOC, 36.
    14. Abse, D W. (1985) The depressive character In Depressive States and their Treatment, ed. V. Volkan New York: Jason Aronson.
    15. Abse, D. W. (1985) Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders. Bristol: John Wright.
    16. Ackner, B. (1954) Depersonalization. J. Ment. Sci., 100.
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    18. Akhtar, S. (1984) The syndrome of identity diffusion. Amer. J. Psychiat., 141.
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    22. Allport, G. (1937) Personality. New York: Henry Holt.
    23. Almansi, R. J. (1960) The face-breast equation. JAPA, 6.
    24. Almansi, R. J. (1979) Scopophilia and object loss. PQ, 47.
    25. Altman, L. Z. (1969) The Dream in Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    26. Altman, L. Z. (1977) Some vicissitudes of love. JAPA, 25.
    27. American Psychiatric Association. (1987) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3d ed. revised. Washington, D. C.
    28. Ansbacher, Z. & Ansbacher, R. (1956) The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York: Basic Books.
    29. Anthony, E. J. (1981) Shame, guilt, and the feminine self in psychoanalysis. In: Object and Self, ed. S. Tuttman, C. Kaye & M. Zimmerman. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    30. Arlow. J. A. (1953) Masturbation and symptom formation. JAPA, 1.
    31. Arlow. J. A. (1959) The structure of the deja vu experience. JAPA, 7.
    32. Arlow. J. A. (1961) Ego psychology and the study of mythology. JAPA, 9.
    33. Arlow. J. A. (1963) Conflict, regression and symptom formation. IJP, 44.
    34. Arlow. J. A. (1966) Depersonalization and derealization. In: Psychoanalysis: A General Psychology, ed. R. M. Loewenstein, L. M. Newman, M. Schur & A. J. Solnit. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    35. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Fantasy, memory and reality testing. PQ, 38.
    36. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Unconscious fantasy and disturbances of mental experience. PQ, 38.
    37. Arlow. J. A. (1970) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 51.
    38. Arlow. J. A. (1975) The structural hypothesis. PQ, 44.
    39. Arlow. J. A. (1977) Affects and the psychoanalytic situation. IJP, 58.
    40. Arlow. J. A. (1979) Metaphor and the psychoanalytic situation. PQ, 48.
    41. Arlow. J. A. (1979) The genesis of interpretation. JAPA, 27 (suppl.).
    42. Arlow. J. A. (1982) Problems of the superego concept. PSOC, 37.
    43. Arlow. J. A. (1984) Disturbances of the sense of time. PQ, 53.
    44. Arlow. J. A. (1985) Some technical problems of countertransference. PQ, 54.
    45. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1963) Psychoanalytic Concepts and the Structural Theory, New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    46. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1969) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 50.
    47. Asch, S. S. (1966) Depression. PSOC, 21.
    48. Asch, S. S. (1976) Varieties of negative therapeutic reactions and problems of technique. JAPA, 24.
    49. Atkins, N. (1970) The Oedipus myth. Adolescence, and the succession of generations. JAPA, 18.
    50. Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970) The Dynamics of Action. New York: Wiley.
    51. Bachrach, H. M. & Leaff, L. A. (1978) Analyzability. JAPA, 26.
    52. Bacon, C. (1956) A developmental theory of female homosexuality. In: Perversions,ed, S. Lorand & M. Balint. New York: Gramercy.
    53. Bak, R. C. (1953) Fetishism. JAPA. 1.
    54. Bak, R. C. (1968) The phallic woman. PSOC, 23.
    55. Bak, R. C. & Stewart, W. A. (1974) Fetishism, transvestism, and voyeurism. An American Handbook of Psychiatry, ed. S. Arieti. New York: Basic Books, vol. 3.
    56. Balint, A. (1949) Love for mother and mother-love. IJP, 30.
    57. Balter, L., Lothane, Z. & Spencer, J. H. (1980) On the analyzing instrument, PQ, 49.
    58. Basch, M. F. (1973) Psychoanalysis and theory formation. Ann. Psychoanal., 1.
    59. Basch, M. F. (1976) The concept of affect. JAPA, 24.
    60. Basch, M. F. (1981) Selfobject disorders and psychoanalytic theory. JAPA, 29.
    61. Basch, M. F. (1983) Emphatic understanding. JAPA. 31.
    62. Balldry, F. Character. PMC. Forthcoming.
    63. Balldry, F. (1983) The evolution of the concept of character in Freud's writings. JAPA. 31.
    64. Begelman, D. A. (1971) Misnaming, metaphors, the medical model and some muddles. Psychiatry, 34.
    65. Behrends, R. S. & Blatt, E. J. (1985) Internalization and psychological development throughout the life cycle. PSOC, 40.
    66. Bell, A. (1961) Some observations on the role of the scrotal sac and testicles JAPA, 9.
    67. Benedeck, T. (1949) The psychosomatic implications of the primary unit. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 19.
    68. Beres, C. (1958) Vicissitudes of superego functions and superego precursors in childhood. FSOC, 13.
    69. Beres, D. Conflict. PMC. Forthcoming.
    70. Beres, D. (1956) Ego deviation and the concept of schizophrenia. PSOC, 11.
    71. Beres, D. (1960) Perception, imagination and reality. IJP, 41.
    72. Beres, D. (1960) The psychoanalytic psychology of imagination. JAPA, 8.
    73. Beres, D. & Joseph, E. D. (1965) Structure and function in psychoanalysis. IJP, 46.
    74. Beres, D. (1970) The concept of mental representation in psychoanalysis. IJP, 51.
    75. Berg, M D. (1977) The externalizing transference. IJP, 58.
    76. Bergeret, J. (1985) Reflection on the scientific responsi bilities of the International Psychoanalytical Association. Memorandum distributed at 34th IPA Congress, Humburg.
    77. Bergman, A. (1978) From mother to the world outside. In: Grolnick et. al. (1978).
    78. Bergmann, M. S. (1980) On the intrapsychic function of falling in love. PQ, 49.
    79. Berliner, B. (1966) Psychodynamics of the depressive character. Psychoanal. Forum, 1.
    80. Bernfeld, S. (1931) Zur Sublimierungslehre. Imago, 17.
    81. Bibring, E. (1937) On the theory of the therapeutic results of psychoanalysis. IJP, 18.
    82. Bibring, E. (1941) The conception of the repetition compulsion. PQ, 12.
    83. Bibring, E. (1953) The mechanism of depression. In: Affective Disorders, ed. P. Greenacre. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    84. Bibring, E. (1954) Psychoanalysis and the dynamic psychotherapies. JAPA, 2.
    85. Binswanger, H. (1963) Positive aspects of the animus. Zьrich: Spring.
    86. Bion Francesca Abingdon: Fleetwood Press.
    87. Bion, W. R. (1952) Croup dynamics. IJP, 33.
    88. Bion, W. R. (1961) Experiences in Groups. London: Tavistock.
    89. Bion, W. R. (1962) A theory of thinking. IJP, 40.
    90. Bion, W. R. (1962) Learning from Experience. London: William Heinemann.
    91. Bion, W. R. (1963) Elements of Psychoanalysis. London: William Heinemann.
    92. Bion, W. R. (1965) Transformations. London: William Heinemann.
    93. Bion, W. R. (1970) Attention and Interpretation. London: Tavistock.
    94. Bion, W. R. (1985) All My Sins Remembered, ed. Francesca Bion. Adingdon: Fleetwood Press.
    95. Bird, B. (1972) Notes on transference. JAPA, 20.
    96. Blanck, G. & Blanck, R. (1974) Ego Psychology. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
    97. Blatt, S. J. (1974) Levels of object representation in anaclitic and introjective depression. PSOC, 29.
    98. Blau, A. (1955) A unitary hypothesis of emotion. PQ, 24.
    99. Bleuler, E. (1911) Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias. New York: Int. Univ. Press, 1951.
    100. Blos, P. (1954) Prolonged adolescence. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 24.
    101. Blos, P. (1962) On Adolescence. New York: Free Press.
    102. Blos, P. (1972) The epigenesia of the adult neurosis. 27.
    103. Blos, P. (1979) Modification in the traditional psychoanalytic theory of adolescent development. Adolescent Psychiat., 8.
    104. Blos, P. (1984) Son and father. JAPA_. 32.
    105. Blum, G. S. (1963) Prepuberty and adolescence, In Studies ed. R. E. Grinder. New York: McMillan.
    106. Blum, H. P. Symbolism. FMC. Forthcoming.
    107. Blum, H. P. (1976) Female Psychology. JAPA, 24 (suppl.).
    108. Blum, H. P. (1976) Masochism, the ego ideal and the psychology of women. JAPA, 24 (suppl.).
    109. Blum, H. P. (1980) The value of reconstruction in adult psychoanalysis. IJP, 61.
    110. Blum, H. P. (1981) Forbidden quest and the analytic ideal. PQ, 50.
    111. Blum, H. P. (1983) Defense and resistance. Foreword. JAFA, 31.
    112. Blum, H. P., Kramer, Y., Richards, A. K. & Richards, A. D., eds. (1988) Fantasy, Myth and Reality: Essays in Honor of Jacob A. Arlow. Madison, Conn.: Int. Univ. Press.
    113. Boehm, F. (1930) The femininity-complex In men. IJP,11.
    114. Boesky, D. Structural theory. PMC. Forthcoming.
    115. Boesky, D. (1973) Deja raconte as a screen defense. PQ, 42.
    116. Boesky, D. (1982) Acting out. IJP, 63.
    117. Boesky, D. (1986) Questions about Sublimation In Psychoanalysis the Science of Mental Conflict, ed. A. D. Richards & M. S. Willick. Hillsdale, N. J.: Analytic Press.
    118. Bornstein, B. (1935) Phobia in a 2 1/2-year-old child. PQ, 4.
    119. Bornstein, B. (1951) On latency. PSOC, 6.
    120. Bornstein, M., ed. (1983) Values and neutrality in psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. Inquiry, 3.
    121. Bowlby, J. (1960) Grief and morning in infancy and early childhood. PSOC. 15.
    122. Bowlby, J. (1961) Process of mourning. IJP. 42.
    123. Bowlby, J. (1980) Attachment and Loss, vol. 3. New York: Basic Books.
    124. Bradlow, P. A. (1973) Depersonalization, ego splitting, non-human fantasy and shame. IJP, 54.
    125. Brazelton, T. B., Kozlowsky, B. & Main, M. (1974) The early motherinfant interaction. In: The Effect of the Infant on Its Caregiver, ed. M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum New York Wiley.
    126. Brenner, C. (1957) The nature and development of the concept of repression in Freud's writings. PSOC, 12.
    127. Brenner, C. (1959) The masochistic character. JAPA, 7.
    128. Brenner, C. (1973) An Elementary Textbook of Psycho-analysis. New York Int. Univ. Press.
    129. Brenner, C. (1974) On the nature and development of affects PQ, 43.
    130. Brenner, C. (1976) Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychic Conflict. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    131. Brenner, C. (1979) The Mind in Conflict. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    132. Brenner, C. (1979) Working alliance, therapeutic alliance and transference. JAPA, 27.
    133. Brenner, C. (1981) Defense and defense mechanisms. PQ, 50.
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    135. Bressler, B. (1965) The concept of the self. Psychoanalytic Review, 52.
    136. Breuer, J. & Freud, S. (1983—95) Studies on Hysteria. SE, 3.
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    138. Brody, S. (1964) Passivity. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
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    143. Buie, D H. (1981) Empathy. JAPA, 29.
    144. Burgner, M. & Edgeumble, R. (1972) Some problems in the conceptualization of early object relationships. PSOC, 27.
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    147. Cavenar, J. O. & Nash, J. L. (1976) The effects of Combat on the normal personality. Comprehensive Psychiat., 17.
    148. Chassequet-Smirgel, J. (1978) Reflections on the connection between perversion and sadism. IJP, 59.
    149. Chomsky, N. (1978) Language and unconscious knowledge. In: Psychoanalysis and Language, ed. J. H. Smith. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, vol. 3.
    150. Clower, V. (1975) Significance of masturbation in female sexual development and function. In: Masturbation from Infancy to Senescence, ed. I. Marcus & J. Francis. New York: Int. Uni" Press.
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    154. Curtis, B. C. (1969) Psychoanalytic understanding and treatment of impotence. In: Sexual Function and Dysfunction, ed. P. J. Fink & V. B. O. Hummett. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
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    156. Davidoff-Hirsch, H. (1985) Oedipal and preoedipal phenomena. JAPA, 33.
    157. Davis, M. & Wallbridge, D. (1981) Boundary and Space. New York: Brunner-Mazel.
    158. Deutsch, H. (1932) Homosexuality in women. PQ, 1.
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    161. Deutsch, H. (1942) Some forms of emotional disturbance and their relationship to schizophrenia. PQ, 11.
    162. Deutsch, H. (1955) The impostor. In: Neuroses and Character Types. New York: Int. Univ. Press, 1965.
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    169. Dorpat, T. L. (1985) Denial and Defense in the Therapeutic Situation. New York: Jason Aronson.
    170. Downey, T. W. (1978) Transitional phenomena in the analysis of early adolescent males. PSOC, 33.
    171. Dunbar, F. (1954) Emotions and Bodily Functions. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
    172. Easson, W. M. (1973) The earliest ego development, primitive memory traces, and the Isakower phenomenon. PQ, 42.
    173. Edelheit, H. (1971) Mythopoiesis and the primal scene. Psychoanal. Study Society, 5.
    174. Edgcumbe, R. & Burgner, M. (1972) Some problems in the conceptualization of early object relation ships, part I. PSOC, 27.
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    176. Eidelberg, L. (1960) A third contribution to the study of slips of the tongue. IJP, 41.
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    178. Eissler, K. R. (1953) The effect of the structure of the ego on psychoanalytic technique. JAPA, 1.
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    180. Emde, R. N. (1980) Toward a psychoanalytic theory of affect: I. & G. H. Pollock. Washington NYMH.
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    191. Erikson, E. H. (1956) The problem of ego identity. JAPA, 4.
    192. Esman, A. H. (1973) The primal scene. PSOC, 28.
    193. Esman, A. H. (1975) The Psychology of Adolescence. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    194. Esman, A. H. (1979) Some reflections on boredom. JAPA, 27.
    195. Esman, A. H. (1983) The "stimulus barrier": a review and reconsideration. PSOC, 38.
    196. Fairbairn, W. R. D. (1952) Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
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    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 19 Geist

    m; -(e)s, -er
    1. nur Sg.; (Verstand) mind; (Intellekt) intellect; (Sinn, Gemüt) mind; (Witz) wit; (Seele) spirit; Geist und Körper mind and body, body and spirit; Mann von Geist man of wit; vor Geist sprühen oder seinen Geist sprühen lassen scintillate; den oder seinen Geist aushauchen geh. euph. (sterben) give up the ghost; den Geist aufgeben umg. (kaputtgehen) give up the ghost, conk out; das / er geht mir auf den Geist umg. it / he really gets on my nerves, it’s / he’s driving me crazy; im Geiste in one’s mind’s eye; im Geiste sah sie sich schon als Siegerin she already imagined ( oder saw) herself as the winner; wir werden im Geiste bei euch sein we will be with you in spirit; der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
    2. nur Sg.; (Einstellung) spirit; (Verfassung) morale; (Atmosphäre) atmosphere, vibes Pl. umg.; der olympische Geist the Olympic spirit; der Geist des Christentums etc. the spirit of Christianity etc.; es herrschte ein kameradschaftlicher Geist there was a comradely spirit; in jemandes Geiste handeln act in the spirit of s.o.; daran sieht man, wes Geistes Kind er ist it says a lot about him
    3. überirdischer: spirit; (Gespenst) ghost; (Erscheinung) apparition; ich glaube nicht an Geister I don’t believe in ghosts; böser Geist evil spirit, demon; der Böse Geist KIRCHL. the Evil One; hier geht ein Geist um this place is haunted; bist du denn von allen guten Geistern verlassen? are you out of your mind?, have you taken leave of your senses?; heilig
    4. fig. Person: großer Geist great mind ( oder thinker); kleiner Geist small-minded person; dienstbarer Geist umg., hum. (Dienstbote) servant, domestic treasure; jemandes guter Geist s.o.’s guiding light; sie ist der gute Geist der Abteilung she is the moving spirit in the department; sie ist ein unruhiger Geist she’s a restless person ( oder spirit), she can’t sit still for one moment, she’s up and down like a yoyo umg.; scheiden III
    * * *
    der Geist
    (Gespenst) specter; ghost; phantom; spectre;
    (Seele) animus; spirit;
    (Verstand) brains; intellect; mind;
    (Witz) wit
    * * *
    m -(e)s, -er
    1) no pl (= Denken, Vernunft) mind

    der menschliche Géíst, der Géíst des Menschen — the human mind

    Géíst und Materie — mind and matter

    mit Géíst begabt — endowed with a mind

    "Phänomenologie des Géístes" — "Phenomenology of the Spirit"

    2) (REL = Seele, außerirdisches Wesen) spirit; (= Gespenst) ghost

    Géíst und Körper — mind and body

    seinen Géíst aufgeben or aushauchen (liter, iro)to give up the ghost

    der Géíst ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach (prov) — the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

    der Heilige Géíst — the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    der Géíst Gottes — the Spirit of God

    der böse Géíst — the Evil One

    der Géíst der Finsternis — the Prince of Darkness

    gute/böse Géíster — good/evil spirits

    die Stunde der Géíster — the witching hour

    der gute Géíst des Hauses (geh)the moving spirit in the household

    von allen guten Géístern verlassen sein (inf)to have taken leave of one's senses (inf)

    jdm auf den Géíst gehen (inf)to get on sb's nerves

    in dem Schloss gehen Géíster um — the castle is haunted, the castle is walked by ghosts (liter)

    3) (no pl = Intellekt) intellect, mind; (fig = Denker, Genie) mind

    Géíst haben — to have a good mind or intellect; (Witz) to show wit

    einen regen/lebhaften Géíst haben —

    ein Mann von großem Géíst — a man of great intellect, a man with a great mind

    die Rede zeugte nicht von großem Géíst — the speech was not particularly brilliant

    das geht über meinen Géíst (inf)that's way over my head (inf), that's beyond me (inf)

    hier scheiden sich die Géíster — this is the parting of the ways

    seinen Géíst anstrengen (inf)to use one's brains (inf)

    sie sind verwandte Géíster — they are kindred spirits

    kleine Géíster (iro: ungebildet) — people of limited intellect; (kleinmütig) small-minded or petty-minded people

    4) no pl (= Wesen, Sinn, Gesinnung) spirit

    in kameradschaftlichem Géíst — in a spirit of comradeship

    in diesem Büro herrscht ein kollegialer Géíst — this office has a friendly atmosphere

    in seinem/ihrem Géíst — in his/her spirit

    in jds Géíst handeln — to act in the spirit of sb

    der Géíst der Zeit/der russischen Sprache — the spirit or genius (liter) of the times/of the Russian language

    nach dem Géíst des Gesetzes, nicht nach seinem Buchstaben gehen — to go by the spirit rather than the letter of the law

    daran zeigt sich, wes Géístes Kind er ist — that (just) shows what kind of person he is

    5) no pl (= Vorstellung) mind

    etw im Géíst(e) vor sich sehen — to see sth in one's mind's eye

    sich im Géíst(e) als etw/als jd/an einem Ort sehen — to see or picture oneself as sth/as sb/in a place

    im Géíste bin ich bei euch — I am with you in spirit, my thoughts are with you

    * * *
    1) (a spirit, usually of a dead person: Do you believe in ghosts?; Hamlet thought he saw his father's ghost.) ghost
    2) (a principle or emotion which makes someone act: The spirit of kindness seems to be lacking in the world nowadays.) spirit
    3) (a person's mind, will, personality etc thought of as distinct from the body, or as remaining alive eg as a ghost when the body dies: Our great leader may be dead, but his spirit still lives on; ( also adjective) the spirit world; Evil spirits have taken possession of him.) spirit
    4) (an elf or fairy: a water-sprite.) sprite
    * * *
    <-[e]s, -e>
    1. kein pl (Vernunft) mind
    die Rede zeugte nicht von großem \Geist the speech was no testament to a great mind
    ihr \Geist ist verwirrt she's mentally deranged
    seinen \Geist anstrengen to put one's mind to it
    seinen \Geist aushauchen (euph geh) to breathe one's last
    jdm [mit etw dat] auf den \Geist gehen (fam) to get on sb's nerves [with sth] fam
    im \Geist[e] (in Gedanken) in spirit, in one's thoughts; (in der Vorstellung) in one's mind's eye, in one's thoughts
    etw im \Geiste vor sich dat sehen to see sth in one's mind's eye, to picture sth
    \Geist und Körper body and mind
    der menschliche \Geist, der \Geist des Menschen the human mind
    2. kein pl (Witz) wit
    er sprühte vor \Geist he was as witty as could be
    eine Rede voller \Geist und Witz a witty speech
    \Geist haben to have esprit
    ein Mann ohne/von \Geist a dull/witty man
    \Geist versprühen to be scintillating
    3. kein pl (Gesinnung) spirit
    in diesem Büro herrscht ein kollegialer \Geist there's a spirit of cooperation in this office
    an \Geist und Buchstaben einer S. gen halten to observe the spirit and letter of sth
    der freie \Geist free thought
    in kameradschaftlichem \Geist in a spirit of camaraderie [or comradeship]
    in jds \Geist how sb would have wished
    der \Geist der Zeit the spirit of the times [or age
    4. (Destillat) spirit
    seinen [o den] \Geist aufgeben (iron veraltet: sterben) to give up the ghost, to breathe one's last; (hum fam: kaputtgehen) to give up the ghost
    wes \Geistes Kind jd ist the kind of person sb is
    da [o hier] scheiden sich die \Geister opinions differ here
    der \Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
    <-[e]s, -e>
    1. (Denker) mind, intellect
    große \Geister stört das nicht (hum fam) that doesn't bother me/us etc.
    kleiner \Geist small-minded person, person of limited intellect
    2. (Charakter) spirit
    ein guter \Geist an angel
    der gute \Geist des Hauses the moving [or guiding] spirit of the household
    ein unruhiger \Geist a restive spirit, a restless creature
    verwandte \Geister kindred spirits
    3. (Wesenheit) spirit
    der böse \Geist the Evil One old
    dienstbarer \Geist ministering spirit
    der \Geist der Finsternis (geh) the Prince of Darkness
    der \Geist Gottes the Spirit of God
    der Heilige \Geist the Holy Ghost
    4. (Gespenst) ghost
    ihm erschien der \Geist seiner toten Mutter he was visited by the ghost of his dead mother
    \Geister gehen hier um this place is haunted
    wie ein \Geist aussehen to look very pale; krank a. to look like death warmed up [or AM over] fam; erschreckt a. to look as if one has seen a ghost
    einen \Geist beschwören to invoke a spirit
    böse/gute \Geister evil/good spirits
    dienstbarer \Geist (hum fam) servant
    von allen guten \Geistern verlassen sein (fam) to have taken leave of one's senses
    jdm als Heiliger \Geist erscheinen, jdm den Heiligen \Geist schicken MIL, SCH (veraltet sl) to don fancy dress at night and thrash sb sleeping in bed
    * * *
    der; Geist[e]s, Geister
    1) o. Pl. (Verstand) mind

    jemandes Geist ist verwirrt/gestört — somebody is mentally deranged/disturbed

    jemandem mit etwas auf den Geist gehen(salopp) get on somebody's nerves with something

    den Geist aufgeben(geh./ugs. scherzh., auch fig.) give up the ghost

    im Geist[e] — in my/his etc. mind's eye

    2) o. Pl. (Scharfsinn) wit
    3) o. Pl. (innere Einstellung) spirit
    4) (denkender Mensch) mind; intellect

    ein großer/kleiner Geist — a great mind/a person of limited intellect

    hier od. da scheiden sich die Geister — this is where opinions differ

    der Heilige Geist(christl. Rel.) the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein — have taken leave of one's senses; be out of one's mind

    6) (Gespenst) ghost

    Geister gehen im Schloss um/spuken im Schloss — the castle is haunted

    * * *
    Geist m; -(e)s, -er
    1. nur sg; (Verstand) mind; (Intellekt) intellect; (Sinn, Gemüt) mind; (Witz) wit; (Seele) spirit;
    Geist und Körper mind and body, body and spirit;
    Mann von Geist man of wit;
    seinen Geist aushauchen geh euph (sterben) give up the ghost;
    den Geist aufgeben umg (kaputtgehen) give up the ghost, conk out;
    das/er geht mir auf den Geist umg it/he really gets on my nerves, it’s/he’s driving me crazy;
    im Geiste in one’s mind’s eye;
    im Geiste sah sie sich schon als Siegerin she already imagined ( oder saw) herself as the winner;
    wir werden im Geiste bei euch sein we will be with you in spirit;
    der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
    2. nur sg; (Einstellung) spirit; (Verfassung) morale; (Atmosphäre) atmosphere, vibes pl umg;
    der olympische Geist the Olympic spirit;
    der Geist des Christentums etc the spirit of Christianity etc;
    es herrschte ein kameradschaftlicher Geist there was a comradely spirit;
    in jemandes Geiste handeln act in the spirit of sb;
    daran sieht man, wes Geistes Kind er ist it says a lot about him
    3. überirdischer: spirit; (Gespenst) ghost; (Erscheinung) apparition;
    ich glaube nicht an Geister I don’t believe in ghosts;
    böser Geist evil spirit, demon;
    der Böse Geist KIRCHE the Evil One;
    hier geht ein Geist um this place is haunted;
    bist du denn von allen guten Geistern verlassen? are you out of your mind?, have you taken leave of your senses?; heilig
    4. fig Person:
    großer Geist great mind ( oder thinker);
    kleiner Geist small-minded person;
    dienstbarer Geist umg, hum (Dienstbote) servant, domestic treasure;
    jemandes guter Geist sb’s guiding light;
    sie ist der gute Geist der Abteilung she is the moving spirit in the department;
    sie ist ein unruhiger Geist she’s a restless person ( oder spirit), she can’t sit still for one moment, she’s up and down like a yoyo umg; scheiden C
    * * *
    der; Geist[e]s, Geister
    1) o. Pl. (Verstand) mind

    jemandes Geist ist verwirrt/gestört — somebody is mentally deranged/disturbed

    jemandem mit etwas auf den Geist gehen (salopp) get on somebody's nerves with something

    den Geist aufgeben(geh./ugs. scherzh., auch fig.) give up the ghost

    im Geist[e] — in my/his etc. mind's eye

    2) o. Pl. (Scharfsinn) wit
    3) o. Pl. (innere Einstellung) spirit
    4) (denkender Mensch) mind; intellect

    ein großer/kleiner Geist — a great mind/a person of limited intellect

    hier od. da scheiden sich die Geister — this is where opinions differ

    der Heilige Geist(christl. Rel.) the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein — have taken leave of one's senses; be out of one's mind

    6) (Gespenst) ghost

    Geister gehen im Schloss um/spuken im Schloss — the castle is haunted

    * * *
    -er m.
    esprit n.
    ghost n.
    mind n.
    soul n.
    specter n.
    spirit n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Geist

  • 20 geist

    m; -(e)s, -er
    1. nur Sg.; (Verstand) mind; (Intellekt) intellect; (Sinn, Gemüt) mind; (Witz) wit; (Seele) spirit; Geist und Körper mind and body, body and spirit; Mann von Geist man of wit; vor Geist sprühen oder seinen Geist sprühen lassen scintillate; den oder seinen Geist aushauchen geh. euph. (sterben) give up the ghost; den Geist aufgeben umg. (kaputtgehen) give up the ghost, conk out; das / er geht mir auf den Geist umg. it / he really gets on my nerves, it’s / he’s driving me crazy; im Geiste in one’s mind’s eye; im Geiste sah sie sich schon als Siegerin she already imagined ( oder saw) herself as the winner; wir werden im Geiste bei euch sein we will be with you in spirit; der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
    2. nur Sg.; (Einstellung) spirit; (Verfassung) morale; (Atmosphäre) atmosphere, vibes Pl. umg.; der olympische Geist the Olympic spirit; der Geist des Christentums etc. the spirit of Christianity etc.; es herrschte ein kameradschaftlicher Geist there was a comradely spirit; in jemandes Geiste handeln act in the spirit of s.o.; daran sieht man, wes Geistes Kind er ist it says a lot about him
    3. überirdischer: spirit; (Gespenst) ghost; (Erscheinung) apparition; ich glaube nicht an Geister I don’t believe in ghosts; böser Geist evil spirit, demon; der Böse Geist KIRCHL. the Evil One; hier geht ein Geist um this place is haunted; bist du denn von allen guten Geistern verlassen? are you out of your mind?, have you taken leave of your senses?; heilig
    4. fig. Person: großer Geist great mind ( oder thinker); kleiner Geist small-minded person; dienstbarer Geist umg., hum. (Dienstbote) servant, domestic treasure; jemandes guter Geist s.o.’s guiding light; sie ist der gute Geist der Abteilung she is the moving spirit in the department; sie ist ein unruhiger Geist she’s a restless person ( oder spirit), she can’t sit still for one moment, she’s up and down like a yoyo umg.; scheiden III
    * * *
    der Geist
    (Gespenst) specter; ghost; phantom; spectre;
    (Seele) animus; spirit;
    (Verstand) brains; intellect; mind;
    (Witz) wit
    * * *
    m -(e)s, -er
    1) no pl (= Denken, Vernunft) mind

    der menschliche Géíst, der Géíst des Menschen — the human mind

    Géíst und Materie — mind and matter

    mit Géíst begabt — endowed with a mind

    "Phänomenologie des Géístes" — "Phenomenology of the Spirit"

    2) (REL = Seele, außerirdisches Wesen) spirit; (= Gespenst) ghost

    Géíst und Körper — mind and body

    seinen Géíst aufgeben or aushauchen (liter, iro)to give up the ghost

    der Géíst ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach (prov) — the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

    der Heilige Géíst — the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    der Géíst Gottes — the Spirit of God

    der böse Géíst — the Evil One

    der Géíst der Finsternis — the Prince of Darkness

    gute/böse Géíster — good/evil spirits

    die Stunde der Géíster — the witching hour

    der gute Géíst des Hauses (geh)the moving spirit in the household

    von allen guten Géístern verlassen sein (inf)to have taken leave of one's senses (inf)

    jdm auf den Géíst gehen (inf)to get on sb's nerves

    in dem Schloss gehen Géíster um — the castle is haunted, the castle is walked by ghosts (liter)

    3) (no pl = Intellekt) intellect, mind; (fig = Denker, Genie) mind

    Géíst haben — to have a good mind or intellect; (Witz) to show wit

    einen regen/lebhaften Géíst haben —

    ein Mann von großem Géíst — a man of great intellect, a man with a great mind

    die Rede zeugte nicht von großem Géíst — the speech was not particularly brilliant

    das geht über meinen Géíst (inf)that's way over my head (inf), that's beyond me (inf)

    hier scheiden sich die Géíster — this is the parting of the ways

    seinen Géíst anstrengen (inf)to use one's brains (inf)

    sie sind verwandte Géíster — they are kindred spirits

    kleine Géíster (iro: ungebildet) — people of limited intellect; (kleinmütig) small-minded or petty-minded people

    4) no pl (= Wesen, Sinn, Gesinnung) spirit

    in kameradschaftlichem Géíst — in a spirit of comradeship

    in diesem Büro herrscht ein kollegialer Géíst — this office has a friendly atmosphere

    in seinem/ihrem Géíst — in his/her spirit

    in jds Géíst handeln — to act in the spirit of sb

    der Géíst der Zeit/der russischen Sprache — the spirit or genius (liter) of the times/of the Russian language

    nach dem Géíst des Gesetzes, nicht nach seinem Buchstaben gehen — to go by the spirit rather than the letter of the law

    daran zeigt sich, wes Géístes Kind er ist — that (just) shows what kind of person he is

    5) no pl (= Vorstellung) mind

    etw im Géíst(e) vor sich sehen — to see sth in one's mind's eye

    sich im Géíst(e) als etw/als jd/an einem Ort sehen — to see or picture oneself as sth/as sb/in a place

    im Géíste bin ich bei euch — I am with you in spirit, my thoughts are with you

    * * *
    1) (a spirit, usually of a dead person: Do you believe in ghosts?; Hamlet thought he saw his father's ghost.) ghost
    2) (a principle or emotion which makes someone act: The spirit of kindness seems to be lacking in the world nowadays.) spirit
    3) (a person's mind, will, personality etc thought of as distinct from the body, or as remaining alive eg as a ghost when the body dies: Our great leader may be dead, but his spirit still lives on; ( also adjective) the spirit world; Evil spirits have taken possession of him.) spirit
    4) (an elf or fairy: a water-sprite.) sprite
    * * *
    <-[e]s, -e>
    1. kein pl (Vernunft) mind
    die Rede zeugte nicht von großem \Geist the speech was no testament to a great mind
    ihr \Geist ist verwirrt she's mentally deranged
    seinen \Geist anstrengen to put one's mind to it
    seinen \Geist aushauchen (euph geh) to breathe one's last
    jdm [mit etw dat] auf den \Geist gehen (fam) to get on sb's nerves [with sth] fam
    im \Geist[e] (in Gedanken) in spirit, in one's thoughts; (in der Vorstellung) in one's mind's eye, in one's thoughts
    etw im \Geiste vor sich dat sehen to see sth in one's mind's eye, to picture sth
    \Geist und Körper body and mind
    der menschliche \Geist, der \Geist des Menschen the human mind
    2. kein pl (Witz) wit
    er sprühte vor \Geist he was as witty as could be
    eine Rede voller \Geist und Witz a witty speech
    \Geist haben to have esprit
    ein Mann ohne/von \Geist a dull/witty man
    \Geist versprühen to be scintillating
    3. kein pl (Gesinnung) spirit
    in diesem Büro herrscht ein kollegialer \Geist there's a spirit of cooperation in this office
    an \Geist und Buchstaben einer S. gen halten to observe the spirit and letter of sth
    der freie \Geist free thought
    in kameradschaftlichem \Geist in a spirit of camaraderie [or comradeship]
    in jds \Geist how sb would have wished
    der \Geist der Zeit the spirit of the times [or age
    4. (Destillat) spirit
    seinen [o den] \Geist aufgeben (iron veraltet: sterben) to give up the ghost, to breathe one's last; (hum fam: kaputtgehen) to give up the ghost
    wes \Geistes Kind jd ist the kind of person sb is
    da [o hier] scheiden sich die \Geister opinions differ here
    der \Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
    <-[e]s, -e>
    1. (Denker) mind, intellect
    große \Geister stört das nicht (hum fam) that doesn't bother me/us etc.
    kleiner \Geist small-minded person, person of limited intellect
    2. (Charakter) spirit
    ein guter \Geist an angel
    der gute \Geist des Hauses the moving [or guiding] spirit of the household
    ein unruhiger \Geist a restive spirit, a restless creature
    verwandte \Geister kindred spirits
    3. (Wesenheit) spirit
    der böse \Geist the Evil One old
    dienstbarer \Geist ministering spirit
    der \Geist der Finsternis (geh) the Prince of Darkness
    der \Geist Gottes the Spirit of God
    der Heilige \Geist the Holy Ghost
    4. (Gespenst) ghost
    ihm erschien der \Geist seiner toten Mutter he was visited by the ghost of his dead mother
    \Geister gehen hier um this place is haunted
    wie ein \Geist aussehen to look very pale; krank a. to look like death warmed up [or AM over] fam; erschreckt a. to look as if one has seen a ghost
    einen \Geist beschwören to invoke a spirit
    böse/gute \Geister evil/good spirits
    dienstbarer \Geist (hum fam) servant
    von allen guten \Geistern verlassen sein (fam) to have taken leave of one's senses
    jdm als Heiliger \Geist erscheinen, jdm den Heiligen \Geist schicken MIL, SCH (veraltet sl) to don fancy dress at night and thrash sb sleeping in bed
    * * *
    der; Geist[e]s, Geister
    1) o. Pl. (Verstand) mind

    jemandes Geist ist verwirrt/gestört — somebody is mentally deranged/disturbed

    jemandem mit etwas auf den Geist gehen(salopp) get on somebody's nerves with something

    den Geist aufgeben(geh./ugs. scherzh., auch fig.) give up the ghost

    im Geist[e] — in my/his etc. mind's eye

    2) o. Pl. (Scharfsinn) wit
    3) o. Pl. (innere Einstellung) spirit
    4) (denkender Mensch) mind; intellect

    ein großer/kleiner Geist — a great mind/a person of limited intellect

    hier od. da scheiden sich die Geister — this is where opinions differ

    der Heilige Geist(christl. Rel.) the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein — have taken leave of one's senses; be out of one's mind

    6) (Gespenst) ghost

    Geister gehen im Schloss um/spuken im Schloss — the castle is haunted

    * * *
    …geist m im subst; CHEM, GASTR spirit(s pl US);
    Himbeergeist (white) raspberry brandy;
    Mirabellengeist plum brandy
    * * *
    der; Geist[e]s, Geister
    1) o. Pl. (Verstand) mind

    jemandes Geist ist verwirrt/gestört — somebody is mentally deranged/disturbed

    jemandem mit etwas auf den Geist gehen (salopp) get on somebody's nerves with something

    den Geist aufgeben(geh./ugs. scherzh., auch fig.) give up the ghost

    im Geist[e] — in my/his etc. mind's eye

    2) o. Pl. (Scharfsinn) wit
    3) o. Pl. (innere Einstellung) spirit
    4) (denkender Mensch) mind; intellect

    ein großer/kleiner Geist — a great mind/a person of limited intellect

    hier od. da scheiden sich die Geister — this is where opinions differ

    der Heilige Geist(christl. Rel.) the Holy Ghost or Spirit

    von allen guten Geistern verlassen sein — have taken leave of one's senses; be out of one's mind

    6) (Gespenst) ghost

    Geister gehen im Schloss um/spuken im Schloss — the castle is haunted

    * * *
    -er m.
    esprit n.
    ghost n.
    mind n.
    soul n.
    specter n.
    spirit n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > geist

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